My quick "Chinese" gift exchange story: once, my family on my mom's side was doing this, and the one gift that kept getting passed over was a leather wallet. I pounced on it. Keep in mind, I was a kid of seven or eight at the time, if memory serves. Anyways, I thought then that maybe I should have a wallet that wasn't bright neon.
Sometime in January, my mom definitely realized that she needed a wallet and convinced me to sell her my new one. I don't know that I've had a serious, "grown up" wallet since.
My quick "Chinese" gift exchange story: once, my family on my mom's side was doing this, and the one gift that kept getting passed over was a leather wallet. I pounced on it. Keep in mind, I was a kid of seven or eight at the time, if memory serves. Anyways, I thought then that maybe I should have a wallet that wasn't bright neon.
Sometime in January, my mom definitely realized that she needed a wallet and convinced me to sell her my new one. I don't know that I've had a serious, "grown up" wallet since.