Bell Tower Episode Ten

With Kent and Rhiannon!

Kent Peterson and Rhiannon Ward confuse Leslie Nielson and Steven Martin (again), make chats about royal undergarments, and consider eating breakfast croissants live on-air; here, on the Paper Dreams Podcast Network.



  1. James Brotheridge 9 December, 2010 at 06:21

    Leslie Nielsen was definitely Mr. Magoo in the movie adaptation.
    Also, while listening to the podcast, I misheard a part of the conversation and thought you said "Mr Magoofy", which is the essence of that cartoon, really.

  2. Dan Shier 10 December, 2010 at 19:35

    Kent – I'ma gonna make sure you stick to that Gym commitment. I dunno why "Gym" is capitalized.
    "… should be charged with treason and killed." *bonnnnnnnng*! Comedic relief?
    For the record, I now iTunes the Bell Tower and keep a text editor open to type comments AS I LISTEN so that I can submit them all at the end through the website. 😀 I'm #yournumberonefan.

  3. Heather McIntyre 11 December, 2010 at 17:26

    E-mail Christmas letters, appropriate? Discuss. This of course assumes any  Christmas letter is appropriate!

  4. James Brotheridge 15 December, 2010 at 10:51


    I don't know how it is for you, but I'm living in a world where the only Christmas letter I get is from my grandma and one or two friends. (My grandma's letters normally include a prayer she's saying to God for me, which I appreciate as a wishy-washy heathen.)

    I would say e-mail Christmas letters would still be delightful. Even a mass one would show that you're thinking about the person in some small way.

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