Volume 67

no one else, no one else // can speak the words on your lips // drench yourself in words unspoken // live your life with arms wide open // today is where your book begins // the rest is still unwritten

As the summer semester begins, so too does a new volume of the Carillon. I have officially started my first year as Editor-in-Chief, and am so excited to see where we go this volume.

To all of those who have left the Carillon recently, you are amazing human beings and I am so proud of all you have done and will do. I am very grateful to have gotten to meet you, and I look forward to seeing where you go in the future. The note below for the contributors goes for you as well.

To begin this volume, here are a few notes to keep in mind:
– The sections have undergone a small change, so there is now a community section instead of an arts & culture section and a sports & health section
– We will not be publishing any print issues over the summer break, and we will unfortunately no longer be doing two online issues: one in July and one in August, so keep your eyes peeled and make sure to come check out the pitch list again at the end of August for the first issue that will run from Friday, August 23 to Thursday, September 5.
– If you want a reminder when a new pitch list drops, make sure to subscribe to the pitch list emailing list

I want to thank everyone who has contributed in the past and pre-emptively thank future contributors for your work. What you do matters. Your voice matters. There is no one else in the world who knows what it is like to be a University of Regina student more than all of you. No one else who knows what you are worried about better than you. No one else who knows what you are proud of or looking forward to better than you. No one who knows what you are interested in better than you. A student newspaper cannot function the way it is intended to if there is not student interest and voices in it, so thank you. I am so excited for this year and to hear from you on what you want to read or write about in the Carillon.

Illegitimi non carborundum,

mikayla tallon – mikayla@carillonregina.com