FIVE: Places to study on campus


It’s that time of the semester where everyone’s either got a midterm, paper, group project, or a combination of the previous to work on, so here are some good places to toil away at some homework.

5 Campion Commons Area
It’s usually pretty quiet, but loud enough that you can have a conversation with someone if you need to work on a group project. There’s also a Henderson’s Cafe, so you can get yourself a bite to eat while you study or work on some homework.

4 3rd Floor of Research and Innovation Centre
There’s a little hallway on the third floor of RIC that’s got some leather chairs and even a big whiteboard that you can use. There generally aren’t a whole lot of people here either, so it’s good if you need to study independently, but it’s great if you’re studying with others too.

3 Campion Library
Archer Library is usually relatively busy, so if you need to use a computer or any number of other resources, the Campion Library is a quieter alternative. There are also tables in between the rows of books that create a semi-private studying area.

2 6th Floor of Archer Library
The quiet area on the top floor of Archer Library boasts big, comfy leather chairs and a great view. It’s great for long study sessions, or if you need to catch up on some sleep that you’ve sacrificed for long study sessions.

1 Study Lounge in Research and Innovation Centre
If you need outright and absolute silence to study, this is probably the place for you. There are even private rooms that you can go to if you need to completely hole up and submerge yourself in homework or studying.

Paul Bogdan
A&C Writer


  1. James Brotheridge 17 February, 2011 at 21:52

    Respectfully have to disagree on number one. The silence of the RIC study lounge depends a lot on what time of day it is and how full it is, but more and more people feel OK going in there to chat and eat, while people in the smaller study rooms don't realize they aren't sound proof.

    Right on for number two, though, which shouldn't be a surprise to people who know me. (Might want to flip the pic if you get the chance – right now, it's reversed because it was taken using a MacBook cam.)

    Let me add one more – the second floor of Campion. It's a big area, so even if people are talking it probably won't disturb you. The coaches are super comfortable, so if you need sneak a nap while studying you're set. Finally, you're between a chapel and a library. If that's not just the definition of serene, I don't know what is.

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