Angelica was made of adventure

“Every single day she inspired me. To love, to be curious, to be free, and to dream big and go after it.” Courtesy of Nicole Mah

A woman who embodied freedom and spirit

By Nicole Mah, contributor

Have you ever looked into a pair of eyes and could only see adventure and your favourite shade of green? Angelica had those eyes. Angelica was the adventure.

When I was in grade nine, getting settled into my homeroom, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen walked in. She was wearing a shirt with a pattern of a map of the world. I didn’t know it back then, but her life taught me the outlook that I strive to implement in my daily life.

Every single day she inspired me. To love, to be curious, to be free, and to dream big and go after it. I have yet to meet someone who embodies the word “spirit” in the way that she did. For anyone who never had the pleasure to meet her, I am sorry because I believe that meeting her is one of the greatest gifts that I have ever been given.

Angelica had to switch schools which meant I no longer saw her on a daily basis, but the circumstances also prevented us from communicating as much as we had before. As unfortunate as it was, I was okay with it because of every adventure I had and every new thing I tried with her.

I knew that when I’d be able to tell her about it, she would smile. Any time I was scared to do something, I knew that it was going to be another story to tell her, which would be another chance to make her proud of me. I can’t name a lot of people who understood life as well as she did.

She understood that life is short, and nothing was going to stop her from living her dreams. She understood that every person is deserving of love and compassion. I wish everyone knew the kind of heart that she had. I wish everyone understood the impact she had on every person she met.

I wish I could find the words to explain who she was. She was full of life.

She was our world’s Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany’s. She had the spirit that you would fall in love with, even if you didn’t want to. I think that’s how she wanted it to be too. She wanted to be free.

I have never missed someone so much in my entire life, and not a single day goes by that I don’t thank her for all she has given not only to the world, but also to me. She is no longer remembered as just a person, but through the impact she left on the world.

Her legacy lives on through the idea of a free spirit, loving everyone and living life as though every day is a new adventure.

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