Newsbreak – Jan. 13, 2011


After more than two decades in politics, Pat Atkinson is calling it quits. The longtime New Democrat announced on Jan. 11 that she would not be seeking re-election in the Saskatoon-Nutana riding this November. During the press conference announcing her impending retirement, the former NDP cabinet minister said her party would have to fight to regain seats; this fall, her own might be one of them.








Homeless one week, the voice for Kraft Dinner the next. Such is life. Ted Williams, the internet sensation known for his “golden voice,” has landed his first job. After living on the street up until last week, he can now be found voicing the latest commercial for Kraft. He has also been offered a position with the Cleveland Cavaliers. Even Oprah’s been knocking on Williams’ door. You know you’ve made it when the big O knows your number.



Dominating American airwaves over the last week has been the news about Gabrielle Giffords, the American congresswoman who was greviously wounded by a gunshot to the head at point-blank range during a meet-and-greet with constituents of her Arizona congressional district on Jan. 7. Other victims included a federal district court judge and a nine year-old girl; the shooter, 22 year-old Jared Lee Loughner, is currently awaiting trial.



It’s all Oprah all the time. Speaking of the daytime mogul, her newest venture, an entire network run by Winfrey, debuted in the U.S. on Saturday. While Canada will still have to until March to subscribe to the OWN network, the release definitely spoke to the end – and beginning – of an era. Winfrey announced she would be ending her popular talk show this year, and will concentrate on printing money instead. 

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