Winter activities during COVID
Recreation with restrictions
As the weather gets cold and all of us are tucked inside trying to stay warm, many may be trying to come up with ways to stay active throughout these frigid months. There are the classic activities that everyone knows, ones that we can do with those who are close to us and ones that we can do as individuals. Whatever you choose to do, remember to bundle up and stay warm.
One of the first activities that comes to mind is skating. With outdoor rinks remaining open and COVID restrictions still in everyone’s mind, one can go and spend some time with friends and family in a new environment. This breath of fresh air can be refreshing (Editor’s Note: no pun intended?) for those of us who have been spending long hours indoors. Whether your skating activities take the form of small hockey groups, ringette games, or figure skating, this is something that is easy to do with very little cost. There are countless outdoor rinks that are available across the city or you can sign up to try your hand at Mosaic stadium on the makeshift rink that they have made. Enjoy the time spent sipping hot chocolate beside the rink or watching your family fall and struggle to get up. Either way there is something in it for the whole family.
If skating is not your thing, you may be interested in trying out skiing or snowboarding this season. As the snow gently falls over our beautiful province, it allows for great conditions for both skiing or snowboarding. Looking for a more controlled pace? Maybe cross country skiing is more your speed. Having the ability to go at your own pace and not having gravity forcefully help you can give you the time that you need to get your ski legs before you try something more intense. If speed is what you are after, then downhill skiing or snowboarding may be more your style. Even though we inhabit a fairly flat province, believe me when I say there are still places here that you give it a whirl.
Not looking for something as mainstream? Why not give snowshoeing a try? We may not be able to walk on water, but walking on a variation of that frozen water is pretty close. Snowshoeing is something that many individuals have never had an opportunity to try and most likely would not have had time to prior to COVID. This is something that requires decent balance and the taste for a simpler, quieter activity. Unlike the previously mentioned activities that can cause one to feel a rush of adrenaline, snowshoeing allows one to take the time to appreciate the nature surrounding them and to become connected to their own experience.
If you have gotten this far and still do not feel inspired to bundle up and hit the outdoors stick with us, we will find something for you.
Next up is for all you fishing lovers. I know you miss going out on the boat, being on the calm water while listening to your old man tell you about the time his dad took him fishing. Well now you can experience all of that but in frozen form! Welcome to the world of ice fishing, my friend. Instead of a boat you get a little shack, instead of calm waters you get ice with a hole cut through it. If you were worried that this does not sound like the same thing, never fear, your old man’s stories will still be there. You can enjoy chatting with your family, eating the sandwiches that your mom packed along with the extra cookie that she snuck in there just for you.
Finally, if you are looking for something that does not involve the cold and allows you to stay inside you can always give yoga a try. There are tons of videos online that can lead you through various sequences allowing you to still enjoy some movement while staying warm and improving your overall fitness. This is something that does not require a ton of space and can be done easily all hours of the day. Whether you are a night owl or an early riser this is something that you can do at all hours of the day.
Whether you embrace the cold or would rather stay warm inside there are plenty of activities that will keep you moving throughout this frigid season. No matter how you choose to keep yourself active this season remember to keep health precautions in mind when making your plans. Stay healthy in your activities.