Winnipeg’s Sc Mira comes to Regina


This band promises great live music and an entertaining show

Holy shit, am I colour-blind? / Travis Ross

Holy shit, am I colour-blind? / Travis Ross

Sc Mira is coming to town on Oct. 10! Sc’s vocals are addictive and unique, creating a sound that is at once edgy and easy to groove along with. You can experience the electrifyingly good time that they promise in their live show at the German Club next Friday.

Winnipeg dwellers Sc (vocals), Tyler Wagar (guitar), Jed Desilets (drums), Justin Delorme (keys), and Mario Lagassé (bass) compose Sc Mira, a band that crosses genres and has a good time doing so.

“We’ve been finding it difficult these days,” explains Wagar, “because, especially with pop in the last few years, it has really become such a cross-over kind of genre, from soulful Adele stuff to Avici, which is folk and EDM at the same time. So, we like to think that we’re sort of in that same kind of category, in that sort of cross-over alt-rock, pop, roots kind of thing. I would say a wicked show onstage with some crazy interesting sounds.”

Sc Mira just released their new single, “On My Own,” and are touring this month in Canada and the U.S. to celebrate the upcoming release of their debut EP Waiting Room Baby. “On My Own”is currently available for listening and purchasing online, and I have to admit it is addictive!

As a band that is just beginning to emerge on the national and international scene, it can be difficult to balance individual artistic expression and commercial accessibility when writing music. When I asked Wagar where Sc Mira places their focus, he explains that they try to find a middle ground between the two.

“I think for us, especially, it’s kind of important to be both because Sc and I, we have a lot of important things to say, or we like to think that we have a lot of important things to say and songs to share. On the one side, there’s the creative aspect that’s really important to us, and at the other end of the scale, we want to do it for a living too. So [it’s] a mixture of both worlds.”

For having such a unique sound, Sc Mira is pretty open to anything. Wagar admits he is inspired by next to anything, admitting he has a soft spot for some rap and has written country songs despite claiming not be a huge fan of either.

“I found I wrote a straight-up Dierks Bentley song a couple of weeks ago. So not too sure how that happened. It’s literally about trucks and dogs and jean shorts,” Wagar laughs.

Don’t be deceived, Sc Mira isn’t a country band, nor are they rapping words to dance beats, but they are crossing pop, alternative, and folk boundaries. What results is an easy to love and unique sound. The word on the street is that they have a surprising and entertaining stage show to boot!

“Oh, it’s going to be a blast!” Wagar says about their Oct. 10 show at the German Club. “Even though our music may not be hard-core or anything, when we are up on stage, we like to make sure everyone is entertained, and all eyes are up on stage. Come down for a show and for a lot of energy!”

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