Thank you for being my home, Carillon

Taylor Balfour sitting in a large chair under a painting of rabbits. taylor balfour

A bittersweet farewell from your editor-in-chief

When I first started at the Carillon, I thought I would be writing for free. In September of 2016, I walked into my news writer position not anticipating any form of money. After being shown the “paycheque shelf” I realized that I had done it – I had landed my first ever paid writing job.

If I could go back in time and tell my 2016-self one thing before applying for this job, I would only say “trust me, this is going to be worth it”. To say the Carillon has been worth it is an understatement.

The Carillon gave me so much. It gave me a workplace that entirely consisted of friends and inspirations. It gave me a space to share my thoughts and aspirations. It gave me a safe haven on campus. It gave me a second home.

The Carillon is unlike any other student group on campus. Never in my entire life have I met a collective of people who are so passionate about what they do. The drive of this staff is unlike any other working group I have ever seen. Truly, they all continue to amaze me and I can’t thank them enough, even though I’ll try.

You all have made this year, by far, one of the greatest in Carillon history. And yes, I do have the right to say that – I’m still technically in charge.

To our editors: Ethan, Holly, Julia, Aurel, and Sara, you are all beyond amazing. You work so hard each and every week to ensure that not only our staff get to write, but that our student body gets to contribute to our paper as well. You will all go so far in your lives, and I can’t wait to see it all happen. You know you’ll always have a family with our little Carillon bunch.

To our writers: Gillian, Matt, Florence, Sarah, Marty, and Reese, you are truly our backbone. Every week you bring your A-game to the table. Your love of writing, creativity, and sharing your thoughts with the student body is amazing and inspiring. Your thoughts and words will change the world – I hope you all know that.

To our production and multimedia team: Kate, Sarah, Morgan and Shae, I truly don’t know what we would do without you. Probably nothing because that’s how essential you are. Your passion for multimedia and tech shines through all your work, and we are all beyond grateful for you.

To our team behind the scenes: Ty and Jacob, and to our board members Dustin, Lindsay and Joseph, your work is deeply appreciated. Our paper wouldn’t be a paper without you, and all the hard work you put in every day can be seen.

This is the last Carillon article I will ever write as EIC, and the feeling is bittersweet. I think it’s mainly just bitter, because the thought of leaving breaks my heart the more I dwell on it.

The Carillon hasn’t just been a job for me – it’s been my home. Thank you for changing my life. Carillon forever and always.

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