Put Rice in the rearview mirror

Rice's career is buried deeper than these fossils/ Haley Klassen

Rice’s career is buried deeper than these fossils/ Haley Klassen

He deserved to be sacked… permanently.

Ray Rice’s career in the NFL is officially over. After a video surfaced that showed Rice’s horrific assault of his fiancé, the team released the Baltimore Ravens running back. The NFL also suspended him indefinitely. The NFL was scrutinized earlier in the season when they handed Rice a two game suspension, which was way too short considering players with charges of possession of marijuana were getting entire seasons in retrospect. The NFL screwed up, yet TMZ Sports gave the league a second chance when they released the video of the NFL star committing the gruesome crime. With his suspension being extended and Rice released, his career in the NFL and all of professional football is now over.

Now, this is still a pretty sensitive topic, but at the same time, it’s pretty much certain that Rice will be flippin’ burgers pretty soon. With the CFL backing the suspension of the NFL player, Rice doesn’t have that much of a choice other than playing in the Arena Football League – and I don’t even think they would take him at this point. Rice is a great running back; there is no question in that regard, but we have seen players lose their careers due to horrible life choices in their personal lives – see Tiger Woods. As the NFL season progresses, this story may just dissolve but we could see it escalade as it did in the Donald Sterling case. The Sterling case dragged on way too long and it became something that was media-filled and a waste of time. In Rice’s case, larger media outlets will take this story into something that is just another large waste of time for the viewer.

If Rice’s suspension is publically lifted and we see him back in the NFL at some point in time, there will be, without a doubt, a huge public outcry for not only Rice’s head, but also NFL commissioner Robert Goodell’s head. Due to the context of the story, one must have to wonder that, because he is such a large, relevant talent in the NFL. A team may someday take a chance on Rice, but the public really shouldn’t forget about why Rice was suspended in the first place like they did with Tiger Woods’ infidelity. The context of this story is heavy, and shouldn’t be taken lightly. It has taken on a life of it’s own and will just be getting worse because of the constant media coverage. The thing we should do now is just forget about this and put Ray Rice in the rear view mirror, yet we all know that objects in the rear view mirror are always closer than they appear.

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