Music review – Coldplay: Mylo Xyloto


Mylo Xyloto

The fact that its Canadian press release was written in Comic Sans should tip you off as to how unremarkable Mylo Xyloto actually is. Mylo Xyloto starts promising, infusing classic swooning Coldplay and a dubstep-influenced electronic melody. This, unfortunately, is only the 45-second introduction. After that, the album is standard Coldplay. Mylo Xyloto is very similar to 2008’s Viva la Vida or Death and all His Friends, especially in the very subtle garage-style recording of  songs like “Major Minus.” There is the typical diversity in songs, and the album is, as per usual, a cohesive body of work, with the exception of “Princess of China,” a dance track featuring Rihanna that seems out of place crammed between two slow ballads. It’s a pleasant album to listen to, and if you were a fan of Coldplay before, chances are you’ll remain so. My only real reservation is that I secretly wished they would try something new.

Jocelynn Marsden

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