In Brief (25/11/10)


This week, we hear from Mike Burton, one of URSU's appointees to the Referendum Oversight Committee, on why last month's Canadian Federation of Students referendum results haven't been released, and arts & culture writer Paul Bogdan tells us about the new Globe Theatre production, Honk! A Musical Tale of the Ugly Duckling. 


  1. A Tineh 25 November, 2010 at 20:36


    FNUniv students didn't know they were being discouraged to vote until the week leading up to the vote (when they realized they were not going to get their own polling station) – thats why the ROC didn't hear about it until then.

    All FNUniv students paid FULL URSU fees this semester, and last, and the semester before that, including those pesky CFS fees. They are full members.
    Why is it only the CFS who was encouraging ALL URSU members to vote (incl. FNUniv students)? Shouldn't URSU be the ones protecting the rights of its students?


  2. Mike Burton 26 November, 2010 at 12:18

    A Tineh,
    No one was being "discouraged from voting" in fact any one who wanted to vote (even if they were not students) was able to vote.  All they had to do was produce a student id or government issued photo id. 

    Secondly, the polling station locations were annouced at the beginning of the referendum.  They were agreed upon in advance by the ROC and they were based on traffic.  At no time did the CFS members on the ROC wish to have polling location at First Nations University

    Third, the questions is NOT whether FNUniv members pay all URSU fees, the question is which organization those fees are transferred to. These fees are collected by First Nations University, just like these fees for U of R students are collected by the University of Regina.  All URSU and URSU related fees (including CFS fees) for U of R students are transferred to URSU.  For First Nations University students, only certain fees, like URSU Fee, Women's Centre Fee and Intramural Fee are transferred to URSU based on previous agreements.  Others like the CFS fees HAVE NOT been transferred to URSU by the First Nation University. 
    Personally, I can speak to this from my two terms on the URSU executive but I have also followed up to ensure that the information I have is correct.  The First Nations University Students Association transfers CFS fees to the CFS on behalf of its members. 
    Hypothetically, if the No side in the Local 9 was successful First Nations University students would remain members of the CFS, as members of Local 90.  Further, I would  ask how does Local 90 qualify to exist as a local because the CFS Bylaws define member locals under point three as: "
    it is autonomous from other organizations;‑ it represents students at only one post‑secondary institution."
    Finally, it is the ROC and not URSU or the CFS who will be making these determinations. 

  3. Kent! 26 November, 2010 at 14:59

    If it isn't Mike "OMG THAT IS LIKE A NOVEL WORTH OF COMMENT" Burton.
    Just kidding everybody.
    I really only wanted to say how impressed I am with Mason's sports experience.

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