Hiring ends at midnight!


What's up everyone! We're accepting applications for positions at the paper until midnight tonight! So if you're interested in one of the following positions: -Summer Editor-in-Chief -Fall/Winter Editor-in-Chief -Production Manager (layout & organization) -News Editor -Copy Editor -Business Manager -Advertising Manager …then send an email to editor@carillonregina.com with a resume, a cover letter, and (if you're applying for EIC) at least two writing samples. Interviews will be on Sunday, and applicants will be contacted tomorrow with interview times. We hope to hear from some more of you! We have zero applicants for the position of Ad Manager, and only one for most of the other positions.



  1. Ed Kapp 20 April, 2011 at 10:40

    For a school that has such a great journalism program, I'm really surprised that there's such little interest in working for The Carillon.

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