From U of R film student to local filmmaker

Makin’ films like a boss
Surprise! A film student has actually done something with his life! Kidding. I have many friends (and enemies) who are either in the film program here at the University of Regina or who have graduated with film degrees. And, I know that these people are some of the hardest working champs of life with a poop ton of potential.
One of these champs is Lucas Frison, who graduated last April with a BFA in Film Production. Not only is Frison currently working at CTV doing camerawork, but he is also finishing up a short film of his own that he will be screening at the Artesian on Mar. 26. Doors open at 6:30 p.m, and the screening starts at 7:30 p.m.
Now, “What is the name of this film?” you may ask. Fragments of Penny. And, what the heck is it about? Well…
“The main character, Penny, is at a personal crossroads in her life, trying to find herself, but she doesn’t want to interact or be social,” says Frison.
So, according to Frison, a friend Penny meets through a work relationship buddies up with her, puts her out there in social situations, and tries to get her out of her slump.
Ha. Penny sounds like me. So much hate for social interaction. Anyway, this short comedic film, which runs about 15 minutes, is “told strictly through a voiceover narration from the main character,” as Frison states.
Fragments of Penny also contains a fantasy element. But, not the Fifty Shades of Grey fantasy type.
Frison says, “[Penny is] re-telling things maybe how she would like to remember them or how she imagines them.”
Huzzah! Imaginative films are the bomb.
Although nothing in particular really inspired this story of Penny, it came about as a killer post-grad project for Frison.
“Right after I got out of university, I just started writing a couple projects with a friend of mine,” states Frison. “And [Fragments of Penny] is the one that I was the most attached to and the one that turned out the best.”
So, with a story all written up, Frison used the help of about 10-15 past and present U of R film students to start filming this short film last summer.
“I wouldn’t have been able to do it without my connections that I made at the U of R,” Frison says.
Hmmm, I guess the connections you make at film school come in handy. Woooo! Frison also had crazy good support from local businesses, such as ComicReaders, Wallnuts Expressive Catering, Flip Eatery & Drink, and Aislin Security.
As for Frison’s plans for Fragments of Penny, he wants to screen the film first to just have a fun, chill night where family, friends, and whoever else can see the film, and then he will submit it to festivals.
Frison states that he will be “submitting it to festivals in Canada, internationally, and just hoping it gets as much exposure as possible. The goal is to get as many eyes to see it as possible, but then that helps to hopefully get the next project going with support and money.”
Frison will likely start filming this new project he speaks of in the summer of 2016. In fact, when you pay $10 at the door (and, yes, you will pay $10 at the door because yes, you will be going to this screening) to get into his Fragments of Penny screening, all the money will be used for film production and for festival submission costs.
“I hope to see as many people there as possible, and I hope they can come out, have an interest, and see a local film, because that’s not something people around here really think about,” says Frison. “It’s just an opportunity to come out and see what artists in Regina are creating.”
I concur! In my opinion, local films are cool. And, the fact that I can see right in front of my eyes that a film student is doing something sick with his life is pretty dang cool too.