Arts Roundtable: Summer Edition


Let’s talk about sweltering days and cool nights

Participants: Robyn Tocker, Michael Chmielewski, John Loeppky

1. What do you think of the sweltering summer heat SK tends to get come summer?

MC: I say bring it on. I voluntarily took a job outside at my work so that I could be in the great outdoors after that god awful winter.

RT: It’s better than freezing my butt off in winter, but I can’t say I am thrilled for those almost 35-degree days.

JL: Summer heat is the ultimate guilt trip. It’s the world saying to us: “Relax and take some time for yourself,” then turning around and yelling, “Why so many beers? Do you eat anything except barbecue? And, why does your lawn look like the worst grass seed commercial before the makeover?”


2. What are some ways you hide from it or embrace it?

MC: Drink lots of water, and also go outdoors more often so you become acclimatized

RT: I usually either become a hermit or I go work out at camp and get a nice tan.

JL: I am still surprised that with all the statues being erected to celebrate our heroes, the creator of the air conditioner does not stand proudly at the legislature. Other than staying inside and avoiding looking like a tomato I also enjoy swimming and sitting on my deck.


3. Is summer an overrated season?

MC: No way. Summer is great, and I feel sorry for those who don’t enjoy it more.

RT: I’m more of a fall gal but I can see the appeal, especially for outdoor parties.

JL: Though I just spent the first question whining about it, I do love summer. The sun is shining, the lake can be used for more than ice fishing, and the reality that winter is inevitable has not yet set in. Now, if we could just get rid of the mosquitos.


4. What’s your favourite thing to do come summer time?

MC: Read or play guitar outside, or beers on a patio. That kind of stuff.

RT: I love going swimming. Sailing is also fun. Anything to do with the water is great.

JL: I have to say watching the Riders play. All our hopes, dreams, and torments are wrapped up in the green and white every summer, especially this one. With every mistake decreasing our chances of hoisting the trophy in November, everyone in the province will be cheering and crying more than usual.


5. What do you think about people who spend their summer taking university courses?

MC: I think it’s great that people are working at their programs like that, but it’s not for me. By the end of the winter semester I’m pretty burnt out, and lacking money. So working full time is a nice change of pace and helps ease the financial situation, at least until next fall.

RT: Good for them. I do not have the patience or the drive to attempt to take a summer course. After two full course loads, I’m ready for a break.

JL: The best word to describe them is brave. It’s hard enough doing your schoolwork when you have enough supplies for months because it’s minus 40 then, when you go to bed, deciding between sleeping or attempting hibernation; never mind trying to work when you actually want to be outside.

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