FIVE albums to study to


The honeymoon of the new school year is over, and we’re all starting to quarrel with our academic spouses. It’s the time of midterms, assignments, and essays, so here are five albums to keep you focused and relatively sane in this stressful time.

5. A Love Supreme – John Coltrane
This is free jazz done right. It’s structured enough to be intelligible, but also weird enough to get you thinking and draw those abstract (and sometimes absurd) connections in your humanities essays.

4. Unfamiliar Faces – Matt Costa
Sometimes you just need something to make you feel good to get you through a week of hell, and the catchy-as-hell pop songs of Matt Costa are just the thing to keep you from stabbing everyone around you with mechanical pencils.

3. Alive 2007 – Daft Punk
Any Daft Punk album is great for homework and studying, but Alive 2007 is especially great because bits of songs work their way into one another generally without stopping, which creates this hour-long remix of the Daft Punk catalogue.

2. You’re a Woman, I’m a Machine – Death From Above 1979
Cramming or have a deadline to meet? Nothing says turbo studying like this fast-paced and pissed-off album. Put this on and crank it up, and you’ll be flying through your readings and assignments.

1. Takk… – Sigur Rós
Vocals can be distracting at times if you’re reading, but unless you speak Icelandic and/or gibberish, you won’t understand a word of this album! As well, post-rock is a pretty good genre to gravitate towards for study music with its spaciness, sonic textures, and tendency for long instrumental sections.

Paul Bogdan
A&C Editor

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