What to take as electives

A photo of a classroom from the back of the class, the blackboard is filled with math.
I suppose that does look fun to some people. Shubham Sharan via Unsplash

Some fun classes to consider taking

Many of us spend countless hours each semester planning out future classes and schedules, and thinking about all of the classes we’ll need (or want) to take. Some classes are mandatory, and you have no choice but to take them in order to complete your program. For some reason, those classes are almost never the fun ones. Instead, they’re some of the most difficult math/science/statistics class you will ever take, and  they leave you spending your break worrying and panicking about them. The most heartbreaking aspect is that many of these classes are almost always taught by one professor.

For whatever reason, the university refuses to hire multiple professors to teach the same difficult classes. Because of this, you risk being stuck with a terrible teacher, in a terrible class where you have to teach yourself the material. You cannot afford to fail. You cannot drop the class. You need it to graduate. You, my friend, are stuck.

Amidst all of this comes a beacon of joy and some semblance of happiness: the fun classes you get to take. Maybe this ‘fun class’ is an elective, a class you have chosen to take on a whim, ore one that is known to be a GPA booster. Below, you will find a list of the most interesting and fun classes to take throughout your time in university. 

One class that I really enjoyed is Film 100. A class where you learn about film and get to watch movies, discuss them, and write about them? Sign me up! Furthermore, this class has an option for it to be taken online. You cannot miss out on this class. It’s not only a very interesting class but also a GPA booster. 

You also have to try out the language classes at the university. From Cree to Japanese to Mandarin to German to Spanish to French, the choices are endless! I personally took many German classes and I enjoyed all of them. Language classes can be fun If you are willing to challenge yourself. They are the perfect opportunity for you to meet new people and make friends. By the end of a 100 level language class, you will at least know the basics of any language. I highly recommend you take German 100, it is easy to follow and understand, and it is also amazing to take. 

The Anthropology department at the University of Regina offers many amazing classes. My favourite one was the Anthropology of Evil. This class is taught by Dr. Christina Thomson, who is very beloved at the University due to her classes being fun to take and relatively easy to follow. This class taught me about the origins of evil, and in it, we learned different theories about evil. I really enjoyed discussing things such as folklore and stories about evil creatures from childhood.

The Department of Politics and International Studies offers many insightful courses to take. Many of these are seminar classes where you will discuss world events, from social movements to controversies in history. If you want a class where you will get to learn about the systems that govern our world, I highly recommend International Studies 100.

Many of these classes are taught by incredible professors who have plenty of experience working at prestigious organizations throughout their careers. Not only will you make lifelong connections, you will get to discuss your thoughts and opinions about many issues! 

Honourable mentions: Cree 100 and Spanish 100. 


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