We need low-income housing
It’s hard for students to get roofs over their heads.
Author: Katelyn Smuk
The lack of low-income housing in Regina presents a big problem for students not living in residence at the U of R. If one doesn’t live in the dorms at school, then the only other options are finding a house, condo, or apartment to rent. If the situation is really desperate, there is the option of commuting, though this only works if you live close enough to Regina.
The thing is, going to the University is so much easier when you can live in Regina. As stated before, residence is always an option, but what about the people who don’t want to live there or missed the deadline to sign up for a dorm? What are the options for those who like being alone? Ideally, it would be nice to get a place in Regina, preferably close to school. Sadly, since the demand for living arrangements close to the university is so high, these places are often overpriced and sell out fast. Of course, there is housing in other areas in Regina, but there are still a lot of things that people need to consider. Personally, when looking for a place to live, I like to consider how safe the area is and what the price of housing is.
Students are already paying money for classes, textbooks, and parking. All of these really add up, especially if you are a full-time student and also have a job. People also need to consider the cost of food, toiletries and other necessities, which really limits the housing options for a lot of students.
From a personal standpoint, this situation made living in Regina a definite no for me. When pricing out living arrangements this summer, a lot of the places were too expensive or too far from the university. Residence was not an option for me, so I fell into the last category that was mentioned above: commuting. If we lived in a place where the climate was decent year round, commuting wouldn’t be too bad. Overall, when doing calculations, commuting from my hometown to Regina is cheaper than living in residence or finding my own place in Regina. The problem with commuting is simply the Saskatchewan winter. The weather isn’t always predictable and if the road conditions are bad, then those commuting won’t make it into Regina, which means missing a class.
The lack of low-income housing may not seem like a huge problem to some, but to others it is a very big problem. Many students don’t have the money to afford a place, which means taking out a loan and pushing them further into debt. Add monthly rent, tuition, textbooks and the cost of living, and the price will really make your head spin. Sadly, not only are the high prices not an option, but neither is commuting. The weather and roads are always unpredictable, and it causes a student to miss a class more than once. Students are not only paying for classes, but they are also falling behind in school. Something needs to be done about the lack of low-income housing, and hopefully a solution will appear soon.