URSU Update


author: taylor balfour | news writer


The new face of URSU [from the Vote for Jermain Mckenzie for URSU President Facebook Page]

The new face of URSU [from the Vote for Jermain Mckenzie for URSU President Facebook Page]

The Students Union is keeping busy

The Student’s Union held one of their bi-weekly board meetings on Wednesday, Sept. 28 to go over updates and changes facing the campus as well as their own staff.

One of the first things covered was that Caileigh Beckman is to be given the position of Chief Returning Officer (CRO). The choice was made via election.

According to the Student Union’s website, a CRO is hired to help “maintain a fair and democratic process” during the election period that is currently ongoing campus wide. Their role is to “oversee the election process” and “is in charge of ensuring that URSU Election By-laws are followed and that any disputes and conflicts are dealt with properly.”

The election process is still ongoing and will continue until voting ends on Oct. 20. There are eleven different positions that one can run for, all of which are detailed on the URSU website.

Nominating and running are extremely important, as your voice can have an impact on URSU’s future, as well as an influence on campus. Now that the CRO has been elected, Oct. 3 is when the first step of the process begins: nominations. So get ready to get out there and vote, run, and participate!

Another key topic covered was the approval to revise and update the “Policy of Campus Groups.” In order to make a club, group, or society on campus, one must make sure this policy is followed.

URSU is constantly striving for new ways to improve campus life, and the policy is simply to ensure that everyone can get as much out of their university experience as possible. According to said document, it states that it “was designed to assist students in the formation, operation and development of clubs” as well being able to “make clear the obligations that a club has to URSU and its members.”

The last revision to the policy was made on Aug. 22 of this year and eyes are peeled awaiting the new, revised document.

A motion discussed was the Student Union’s partnership with UR Pride. UR Pride, according to their website, classifies themselves as a “center for sexuality and gender diversity” and has been supporting students and providing a community since it’s creation.

From the beginning, they’ve believed in “equality, fairness, social harmony, respect and social acceptance regardless of social circumstances.”

UR Pride has provided resources and support for countless students on campus, and their connection and support with URSU will continue to help this group have a positive influence on people’s lives. Everyone will need to keep their eyes and ears open to see what events they’re planning next.

If you would like to continue to help and support our Students’ Union, remember that their Annual General Meeting is open to the public on March 30, 2017. Voice concerns, state opinions, and give overall support on how to help URSU make campus life for all students better. They are continuing to find new ways of adding to their services, and you can help shape campus life and what’s in store next by attending.

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