URSU Board Update

Our bold minuteman braves boredom to bring you an URSU update.

Our bold minuteman braves boredom to bring you an URSU update.

Funding dwindles for professional services, student groups

At the University of Regina Students’ Union (URSU) meeting on March 24, URSU debated a motion whether or not to go over their professional fees budget by more than $4,500.

First, however, URSU entertained three presentations. Man Up Against Violence presented a recap of their event talk, detailing where their funding went. Part of URSU’s funding helped secure speaker Hudson Taylor, who heads Athlete Allies, an organization aimed at ending transphobia and homophobia in the athletic community. Taylor gave a presentation on healthy masculinities.

Next, Alexandra Mortensen, the CRO of URSU’s general elections, presented her report on last month’s general elections. In the report, a corrected turnout showed that 11.9 per cent of eligible students voted in the elections, still well below last year’s 21 per cent turnout. It was also noted that twelve director positions remain vacant due to lack of student interest. During the voting process, several students had issues voting online, and a special executive motion was passed to allow one paper ballot to be cast, according to Mortensen. The report also recommended shortening the voting period to two days, with an extra day of campaigning the Monday before voting takes place. In addition, the report recommend that the CRO should have the power to issue paper ballots, and finally, also recommended active campaigning be allowed during the voting period.

Next, the board ratified the CRO’s final election results. The vote was unanimous.

The following motion addressed a shortfall in the professional services budget. The professional services budget had only $160 left, while URSU needed to approve $4,621.05 to pay for the services of Kanuka Thuringer LLP for help in the drafting of the U-Pass agreement. Normally, this would not have been a problem, however, URSU President Devon Peters said that legal fees associated with lease agreements had resulted in higher than anticipated legal costs. The motion passed.

Finally, the board debated funding Health Opportunities through Physical Education (HOPE) in the amount of $723 to reimburse costs for a conference they attended. First, the amount was amended to $500. Then, the board debated amending it to $300 due to the very limited funds remaining in the student group line. At the time, the line contained only $2,200. Eventually, the board settled on $500, and passed the motion.

In executive reports, Peters mentioned that after offering comment on the Sask. Party’s post-secondary plan, the provincial NDP had called to consult with him on what students needed.

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