Tag: student union
URSU Board Update
“The professional services budget had only $160 left, while URSU needed to approve $4,621.05 to pay for the services of Kanuka Thuringer ...URSU election results – only 9.8 per cent of students vote
Voter turnout dropped drastically, drawing just 9.8 per cent of students to the polls, compared with last year's 21.4 per cent turnout.URSU election process
“Right, so you've submitted your nomination materials, included a 250-word bio that your student newspaper can quote liberally, and a photo, but ...URSU Update
“President Devon Peters noted that the funds for student groups this year was ‘almost depleted.’”URSU Update
“It’s getting to the point where they can’t go home because they can’t get visas to the surrounding countries, and they can’t ...URSU Board update
“The agenda included the results of the recent by-election, the approval of a new financial policy, and changes to poster policies.”URSU To Hold By-Election
As representatives of the students’ union, we can’t really choose a side for the students because there are students on both sides ...