URSU board update

Bento, budgets, and big events
The University of Regina Students’ Union (URSU) held a regularly-scheduled board meeting on Oct. 27. This meeting was the first after the by-election results were ratified, and many of the new members were in attendance.
The Board entertained a presentation about Bento Sushi, which is not employing unionized workers. All other food establishments on campus employ CUPE unionized workers.
Then, the board discussed the passing of the President’s Advisory Council (PAC) budget. The PAC is “comprised of all the Presidents of the student societies on campus with the exception of the First Nations University of Canada and the Grad Student Society, who have other separate agreements with URSU,” says President Devon Peters. PAC advises URSU when asked, promotes events, and recommends the allocation of twenty thousand dollars of URSU’s budget.
PAC recommended that $400 be guaranteed to each of the societies, totaling $4,000, with the remaining $6000 being divided based on population and other factors.
The motion passed unanimously.
The board next presented its weekly updates. U-Pass has been going back between the City of Regina and URSU lawyers to figure out the exact wording of the agreement, which is yet to be determined.
Peters says the recent Man Up Against Violence event “was the best attended I have ever seen. There were five ministers and heads of cabinet. There was media coverage from the Carillon to the big players in news.”
The board then went in-camera to discuss private matters.