Unifying fashion and sustainability


Sara Bayley talks about her experience in the fashion world


What chu starring at, Willis?

What chu starring at, Willis? /Tyler Yuhasz

Emerging Saskatchewan Fashion Designer, Sara Bayley from The Unified Theory, talks about her work and experience at Saskatchewan Fashion Week.

Could you give me a bit of general information about your company?

The Unified Theory (TUT) is a local fashion design label based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. TUT clothes are all hand made here in the city using sustainable fabrics. I do all the designs, patterns and sewing as well perfume and jewelry which also follow the same ecological focus.

How did you become interested in clothing design?

I started making jewelry at a very young age and had always created my own clothing because I could never afford the things I wanted. Over time I started making things for friends and friends of friends.

Are there certain aspects of design which you focus on or which characterize your work?

I would say that my designs have been pretty eclectic so far. As I become more experienced, my taste is becoming more refined. I’m becoming more particular about fabric, print and general aesthetic, but it’s always evolving.

Do you have certain influences or themes which characterize your work?

My influences come from all my senses. Music, literature, dance, travel. I’m addicted to experiencing new things and this gets me inspired.

You were one of the “emerging” designers at SFW. How long have you been designing, and how did you get started?

I have been designing for about 2 years. I started with an interest in architecture which just slowly became clothing design. I can’t say exactly how.

Did you find it difficult starting a design company in Saskatchewan? And following up on that, do you find there are benefits to working out of our Prairie Province?

I haven’t found it difficult yet, but I’m just starting out. I think there are certain benefits from being prairie-based. Whenever I travel, people seem to think it’s a bit exotic—I think because so few people know where Saskatoon is, it makes them use their imagination as to what it may be like, which is always better than the reality.

How did you become involved with Saskatchewan Fashion Week?

A fellow designer friend of mine told me about SFW. I had no idea it existed until the beginning of this year, so I applied right away.

How was your experience with Saskatchewan Fashion Week?

It was fantastic. It was really great to meet so many like-minded people from the same place. Designers are always so busy working that you never really see them out anywhere, but they were all there. I had a blast.

What are you working on now? Could you tell us anything about your upcoming projects?

I’m working on an urban/yoga wear collection right now for both men and women. The focus is versatility. Something you can wear to yoga, go out for dinner in, take a late night rock climb in and bike home in or fall asleep in under the stars. I just returned from 3 weeks of traveling in Greece and I realized how restricting all of my clothes were. Most articles of clothing serve a single purpose which is not cohesive to a modern, conscious and nomadic lifestyle. We should all be able to pack light and
live a minimalistic lifestyle that is symbiotic with nature. This doesn’t mean we have to have the style of a Swedish sofa. Minimalism just means adaptable which is actually open to interpretation. It’s your
own manifesto.

Was there a certain theme or motif which characterized your collection at SFW?

The theme at SFW was wild, animal, primal and yet ethereal, like a wood nymph, but a rock and roller nymph.

If someone from Regina wanted to purchase one of your pieces of clothing, how would they go about doing so?

They could contact me through my website theunifiedtheory.ca I also do custom fittings and designs and the fabrics used in my designs are muted colours of bamboo, linen, organic cotton and modal (made from beech wood). These are fabrics that are breathable for the body and keep the planet breathing.


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