Top 5 reasons to go to a U of R playoff game

Teamwork makes the dream work./Arthur Ward

Teamwork makes the dream work./Arthur Ward

Author: kristian ferguson – sports writer

Here is why you should show some support

With playoff season in full force, it can be tempting to just wait it out and hear the results, but I would like to stress how much you can miss out on the experience of actually being at the game. Sure, knowing who wins and who loses is important, but the experience and the journey leading up to it makes up 75 per cent of the fun. Here are five reasons why you should go out and support the Cougars this playoff season.

  1. The Atmosphere

There is an energy in a room full of people rooting for their team that can’t really be emulated anywhere else. Sports make for a surprisingly good drama. There is tension, excitement, concern, the whole nine yards. It isn’t hard to get pulled into the fervor and electricity from something as intense as a playoff game.

  1. Free

If you and your friends are students, you get in free to any Cougars game so long as you have your student ID. Regina is in desperate need of cheap/free entertainment for us broke students, so at least a basketball game won’t cost you anything. The biggest benefit is that, while it is free, you still get to watch a game. Your lack of funds still gets you a show.

  1. Fun with Friends

Once you have enticed your friends with the spectacular price of $0, you can just have the game as background noise. You don’t have to be a massive sports fan to go see a game. My friends and I used to go to local hockey games because they were free and we could hang out somewhere without being told to leave. Similarly, if all of your friends are into sports, then you don’t even need to make your own entertainment!

  1. Show Some Support

Regardless of your feelings on sports, like or dislike, the people playing university-level sports are students just like the rest of us. They dedicate an enormous amount of time and effort to be the best they can be. Seeing a big audience is oftentimes a huge boost to players at this level. So, even just showing up at a game to hang out with your friends is enough to inspire our teams to play even harder.

  1. See Major League Players Today

The players who make it all the way to university level can very well be the players you see in the NHL, NBA, CFL, etc. in three or four years. Wouldn’t it be great to see these players before they make it big and autographs cost $25? In the same regard, university sport is more about the love of sport and less about making a paycheque, in comparison to some major league play. That isn’t to say that everyone in the NBA or the NHL only care about making money, but there is definitely a higher percentage than at the university level.

Hopefully, this list can help someone out there who has never seen the Cougars in action check out a game and see how they like it. Maybe someone will develop a new love for basketball, or a greater appreciation for sports in general. Maybe it will be a bust and someone will see it as a waste of time. Either way, you won’t know unless you try.

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