Tag: Sophie Long
Giving at the holidays isn’t enough
While Christmas time brings out the best in people, donations come to a halt after the celebrationsIt’s in you to give
Canadian Blood Services campaign hoping to raise awareness about One Match programThe real horrors of our world
Amnesty International’s campus club hosts movie night to show the horrors of warFood desert in the middle of the city
North Central’s lack of a grocery store is forcing many to turn to unhealthy optionsCrossing the line from comedic to offensive
Halloween can be a fun time to dress up as something different, but some costumes cross the lineThe Only Black Student
Author and speaker Lull Mengesha chats with The Carillon about his book and workshops on race, inclusion, and educationOpportunities studying abroad
Studying abroad is not that difficult and expensive thing, but the rewards are plentyBullies, bullying and post-secondary institutions
Bullying is not only an elementary and high school problem. It’s a post-secondary and workplace problem, as wellTuition increase and change in fees
Changes to business student fees have some concerned for the future of the faculty and the universityWhy are they protesting?
Lessons learned from Quebec's student movement brought to Regina