Tag: 67
Does Hollywood have writer’s block?
“…are we all just confused? Is Hollywood boring? Or perhaps TikTok has ruined our attention span to the point of no return?” ...Race to the White House
“The 2024 election is a defining moment for the nation, testing the resilience and direction of American democracy.” – Zinia JaswalA letter to my freshmen friends
“There is so much pressure on young people to have it figured out, to know what they want to become, what they ...2024 Queer City Cinema festival, a recap
“These events are important to celebrate because it doesn’t just stop at representing diverse artists. It cements that queer people have always ...Big white walls and other surprises
“A somewhat controversial new addition has been the new campus Starbucks in front of the Dr. John Archer Library.” – Emma McGillRegina’s social landscape
“Restaurants are not just a great place for food, but also a platform to embrace a more interactive and community-driven atmosphere.” – ...35 years of innovation
“From the centre’s interactive exhibits exploring space, technology, and the environment to special programs like stargazing nights and coding workshops, the Science ...Bringing back community to deal with cults on campus
Cults do not have your best interest at heart, although they might seem like they doTrash TV: A train wreck you can’t keep your eyes from
Reality TV shows promote unhealthy dynamics and unhealthy relationships.Discovering Toronto and Empowering Leadership
Toronto’s ability to blend modernity with natural beauty taught me the value of balance in life – how to pursue ambition while ...