Sports Roundtable

Braden Dupuis, Kris Klein, Britton Gray, Paige Kreutzwieser
The Cougars women’s soccer team has advanced to the playoffs for the first time since 2006. Who has been the team’s MVP so far this season?
Dupuis: With eight goals and five assists, Meagan Cormier is this team’s runaway MVP on offense, but everybody knows that defense – and great goaltending – wins championships. Stephanie Possberg and Kacey McFee’s combined seven shutouts are the real story behind this team’s newfound success.
Klein: I don’t think you can give the MVP to just one person on that team. They play a complete team game and they battle for every inch with the ball. Take, for example, playing against the Huskies on Sunday when they almost got screwed over because the ref went too long on injury time. It was like the Canada Vs. USA soccer game all over again.
Gray: The MVP so far has to be the coaching staff. They have been able to keep the team on task and have kept them focused all season, which has led to them being able to put together enough victories to get into the playoffs this year. Congratulations coaches!
Kreutzwieser: MVP would have to go to the goalkeepers. Both Stephanie Possberg and Kacey McFee deserve credit for their numerous shutouts throughout the season. However, if I had to choose one I’d go with Possberg because of her amazing showing at the Canada West quarterfinals. Ending it with a diving save always looks clutch.
Have you been following TSN’s Engraved on a Nation series? If so, what were your thoughts on The 13th Man?
Dupuis: I really enjoyed The 13th Man, but it was hard to watch. I could have gone without re-living that moment again, TSN. You dicks. Aside from that, I watched some of The Kid From La Puente last night and it was laughable. Terrible title, terrible story and a terrible subject – with a terrible moustache. Fuck you, Calvillo.
Klein: I watched The 13th Man and excuse me if I freak out a little bit here. Dear TSN, Thanks for twisting the knife even more! I thought the documentary was going to be on the fans of the Riders not the god damn game where we suddenly forgot to count. Thanks for making me crawl into a corner and cry like I did after that game you fucking pricks.
Gray: I thought it was really well done and showed Rider pride to its fullest extent. While some people may have hated it because it brings up the incident that happened during the Grey Cup it showed that no matter what happens, we are always there for our Riders.
Kreutzwieser: It’s on my PVR, and I’ve been meaning to watch it, but haven’t gotten around to it. Honestly, I haven’t heard much about it though. So, not sure if that is a good thing or not?
Tim Tebow was recently voted the most overrated player in the National Football League by his fellow players. Do you agree or disagree with this?
Dupuis: I’m going to go ahead and agree with this, but it’s not really his fault. I think it’s only fair that we put at least half of the blame on Tebow’s good friend Jesus, for helping him out with all those fourth-quarter comebacks.
Klein: I agree 100 per cent. I don’t care if you have God on your side, you still can’t throw a ball. I know I can’t really talk shit because I’m never going to make it professionally anywhere but you got lucky once in the playoffs and suddenly everyone thinks your the shit. No you’re still terrible and you will always be terrible.
Gray: I’d have to disagree. All Tebow does is win, and that ticks some people off because he’s not a good quarterback. He just gets the team around him pumped up and everyone performs their best as a result. These people who made the list said Ray Lewis was overrated as well so they can’t be the smartest bunch.
Kreutzwieser: Tim Tebow was an overvalued player with an overrated ability to play. If his skills were as “godly” as the fans put him out to be, then I think he probably would be starting for the Jets – but he’s not. He was a fad, just like Tebowing.
What do you think about the New York Islanders relocating to Brooklyn?
Dupuis: Irrelevant franchise moves 40km west. In all honesty, I could not care less. It’s understandable that Islanders fans will be mad, but I’m not one of them, so I’m just going to let this news float peacefully out of my brain and replace it with something more relevant to my interests, like hating Anthony Calvillo.
Klein: Well, it doesn’t matter. With an NHL lock out or not, the building will never be filled, so it doesn’t matter where they move to; no one will go see Rick Dipietro get hurt for the one thousandth time in three years.
Gray: Gives them a chance for a fresh start. The Islanders have not been good and have made some really bad decisions. Maybe the change of scenery will help get some success. Plus, I’m sick of New York having two teams.
Kreutzwieser: I’m probably going to get shunned from the roundtable – and probably Canada as well – after saying this, but I don’t really care where this team came from or goes to. At least I’m being honest right? Don't hate me hockey fans! I'm trying to learn.
Which current athlete has the best mustache?
Dupuis: Definitely not Anthony Calvillo. I would say Biz-Nasty, but the ironic handlebar thing is kinda douché. Come to think of it, ironic moustaches in general are pretty douché. I’m going to go with a retro vote for a real man’s man moustache: Lanny McDonald.
Klein: That is a tough one, but despite McDowell’s guidelines, I’m going to go with a moustache of the past: Lanny MacDonald by far. George Parros comes in a close second but when you cannot see the man’s mouth because his cookie duster is so long, your argument is invalid. I swear in an interview I saw food trapped in there. And it wasn’t even crumbs it was a legit piece of food.
Gray: Well the man who always has the best facial hair in hockey has to take the cake. George Parros always has the best moustache in hockey and he continues to set the bar high when it comes to facial hair in sports.
Kreutzwieser: Does Tom Selleck in Mr. Baseball count? Best Nice Effort For a Mustache: Derek Holland. Best Mustache I Would Never Want To Have a Ride On: Lanny McDonald. Best Don’t Ever Grow a Mustache Again: Michael Phelps. And finally, best Doesn’t Know His Mustache Belongs Above His Lip and Not Above His Eyes: Anthony Davis.