CD Review – Modern Superstitions

Modern Superstitions’ self-titled album, the band’s second full-length release, begins with infections hooks which permeate the entire album. You’d have to challenge yourself not to tap your foot to Last Night’s Dress; in fact, this is true for most of the songs.
The album goes along smoothly until it gets to the fourth track, Bandits, which feels a bit predictable. It’s not an inherently bad song, but it feels unoriginal and a bit boring, especially when juxtaposed with some of the other material on Modern Superstitions.
The real high point of the album String to the Sun, when the chorus kicks in, and Nyssa Rosaleen really shows some attitude in her vocals. It’s this attitude that seems to have affect the quality of songs; when Rosaleen just lets it rip, the songs seem to improve drastically, but songs like “Bandits” seem lacking because they seem to be sung with less purpose or passion.
Modern Superstitions is a great pop-rock album. With that, you can expect to grasp onto the songs easily, but it can also be a bit predictable at times. Nonetheless, there are some killer choruses on what is definitely a solid record from these Toronto rockers.
Paul Bogdan
A&C Editor