Sports roundtable

Where’s the gravy logo to go along with this one?/ Montgomery Biscuits Official Website

Where’s the gravy logo to go along with this one?/ Montgomery Biscuits Official Website

Now with a social perspective


destiny kaus – production manager

matt wincherauk – editor-in-chief

john kapp – a & c editor

john loeppky – sports editor

  1. A number of sports traditions surround the holidays. One of those traditions is having certain games on certain days. Do you think professional athlete should be required to play during the holiday season, like the NBA playing on Christmas Day?


MW: All professional sports leagues are completely soulless, so from their perspective, competing on a holiday is perfectly fine, even some kind of honour! But from the perspective of someone who has a soul, and isn’t a heartless money-making machine, I believe that athletes should get to spend their holidays with their family, or whoever they wish to spend it with.


DK: Yes. They’re professional athletes. Playing sports is their job. Some people have to work at gas stations on Christmas Day, so if professional athletes’ games fall on holidays, they should be required to play too. Boom.


JK: Abolish holiday games. We, the fans, have plenty to do on so-called holidays other than crowd around the TV, turkey and gravy-infused spittle flying from the angry mouths of millions of half-dead, middle-aged, white North Americans hurling racial epithets at their favourite players.


JL: I’m going to be selfish and say that they should be kept. What should be gotten rid of are holiday games for high school and university athletes. They should spend as much time with their families as humanly possible.


  1. A number of athletes on the University of Missouri’s football team have decided to strike, to try to force the university’s president out, after he has been seen to be lacking in address racial issues on campus. Do you think this event could set a trend, or do you think that the players will be discarded and the president kept?


MW: This might be the most interesting thing happening in sports right now. Athletes have become a lot more socially active in the last few years, and this is probably the biggest stand we’ve seen them make. Football is so important to these athletic programs, so I imagine that at the end of the day, the players will win out.


JK: I think it will set a trend. We can see this morning that Wolfe has already resigned. It should be the job of these insanely high-paid academic bureaucrats to make their students’ lives as not miserable as possible. The resignation of Wolfe is not the endgame Jay Nixon may think it is, as he is still just a figurehead of a racist and sexist North American education network. In the words of Georges Danton, “audacity, more audacity, always audacity.”


JL: Audacity as in the audio editing program? Kidding. I hope it sets a trend, but more than that, I hope that this sets a series of activist-minded athletes taking action. This was not a team, acting out of rebellion and sense of athletic superiority. That the coaches were behind these actions says something, as well. This was a radical act on the sports landscape. Last year’s Los Angeles Clippers debacle can directly be linked to these students’ actions, and that can only spell out good things for the lives of athletes everywhere.


DK: Ooooooh I have a bad feeling this event will set a trend. People tend to jump on the racial issue bandwagon whenever it pops up, so prepare yourselves, people! Poop will probably hit the fan. Time for more debates about racism!


  1. Professional athletes who have children are either celebrated or vilified when their parental commitments conflict with their job-related ones, and they choose the former. Why do you think this is? Why do you think these pressures exist?


MW: First, let’s recognize how stupid it is that athletes get blasted for not playing a game, of which they play dozens, if not hundreds per year, so that they can witness the miracle of childbirth with their loved one. The reason this stupidity exists is the belief that athletes have to be these hyper-masculine machines, and they can’t possibly show weakness or emotion, or they’ll be considered, “not-manly,” the absolute worst possible thing that people can think of an athlete as.


DK: ‘Cause some people are dumb and don’t realize that professional athletes have these things called SCHEDULES that they need to keep. If they’re good parents, I think they’ll do their very best to parent their kids around their busy schedule. Again, these pressures exist because people are dumb and would rather accuse other people, like professional athletes, about their parenting problems than take a look at their own.


JK: People never like to see their team struggle and this can be carried to the most illogical and also inhumane heights. The fact is these athletes are working people with the same concerns you or I may have. I imagine those upset at athletes like Brett Favre putting his dying father over a game could not handle the same level of scrutiny levelled at them for taking a week or two of mourning leave. It’s a bullshit double standard that hinges on athletes being highly paid in comparison to oneself. Well, that’s a wrong-headed comparison. You need to compare athletes to those who profit from their play – the ownership. Look at the wealth of Jerry Jones or Paul Allen compared to their players, not the difference between Sid the Kid and yourself.


JL: We, as a society, haven’t quite come to grips with the fact that professional athletes aren’t just our poorly educated playthings; as such, how dare they be good parents, good human beings, even. Dance, NBA player, dance! Also, I hate these pressures. They should dance all over those who take advantage of them throughout their careers, and not focus on what the silly sports nerds think.


  1. Some teams have some god-awful logos. Which squad do you think should redesign theirs?


JK: Every one of them outside of things like the Raiders, the Yankees, the Red Wings – classic uniforms. I’m not conservative by any means, but these nu-age sports logos all look like a human turd sporting a mean soul patch, using the word synergy in day-to-day convos designed them.


MW: The Browns. Their logo is an orange helmet, and their helmets are just orange. This is the problem when your team is named after your old coach, Paul Brown. They do have a decent alternate logo of a mastiff, and their stadium is affectionately referred to as “The Dawg Pound” so why not just change it? Also, I’d like to see the New England Patriots add Marvel Comic’s Hydra logo as an alternate logo because it fits too perfectly. #HailHydra


DK: The New York Mets. ‘Cause orange in their logo looks like shit. And when they wear bright orange Under Armour to compliment their logo colours, they look like even more ridiculous shitbags. So, GET RID OF THE ORANGE.


JL: I agree with the other Matty Ice, here. Screw the Browns. Also, there is an especially hot place in graphic design hell for whoever created the Utah Jazz’s logo. I get it, tradition and everything, but in what world does that logo look pretty? None, absolutely none.

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