So long Carillon, and thank you
Five years later
February 16, 2015. That’s the date of the first Carillon article I ever wrote, which was titled Sweet November is the worst love movie ever. I find myself watching the film now at 2:10 a.m. on what is now Mar. 23, 2020, all while I write this goodbye piece because that’s just the sort of sentimental individual I am [EIC’s note: So sentimental that he wrote it a full week before his term ended.]. And you know what? It’s honestly not the worst love movie ever. Don’t get me wrong, it is quite rubbish, but it’s cliché-filled rubbish with a twist ending, so I guess that’s what gives it an edge. Actually, confession time, I really quite like Sweet November, I would even go so far as to say that it’s a personal favourite of mine in the rom-com genre. Want to know the kicker? I have no idea why I like it. Perhaps it’s nostalgia goggles, or I could just have terrible taste in films but whatever the reason, I enjoy it. So, if you ever find yourself reading that original piece, know that it no longer accurately represents my thoughts and feelings. Still a funny article though, if I do say so myself.
When I wrote that mock review” I was just starting out as a contributor and Destiny Kaus, the then A & C Editor, was oh so kind as to let me write a piece for Valentine’s Day. It was during that time that I got put onto the pitch list (quite possibly my greatest enemy as an editor) and away I went. Fast forward five years and I went from contributor to A & C Editor. I guess it is true what they say, time really does fly. Long story short, I cannot express how thankful I am to both my co-workers and the organization of the Carillon as a whole. At the same time, I would also like to personally apologize to John Loeppky, our Editor-in-Chief, for all the headaches that I may or may not have caused when there was one article waiting to come in late at night. I can’t give you that time back, but I can buy you a beer to try and make up for it.
Now, as I’m sure most know, I’m not exactly the most confident individual on the planet. I’m fairly awkward and my social skills are, as a member of the Montreal Canadiens would say, “le fucked.” However, I like to feel that I do have a good heart deep down and I do try my best to be an entertaining worker, as well as a good person. I think one of my favourite quotes to that regard came from our news editor Sara Birrell, who said something to the effect of “Ethan, I swear you’re like a movie character”, to which I responded “well I hope it’s a good movie,” to which she replied “it’s a movie.” Solid gold.
One of the things I’m most thankful for, along with the friends that I’ve made and the person that I’ve aspired to be (i.e., just a decent human being), is the ol’ Banding with Butterfield recurring feature that came to be on a whim. That section technically started with an Alex Runions interview, which was a nightmare to get because the original artist I had planned at the time (who I won’t name) couldn’t be bothered to return my messages. I thought that was the end of my interviewing career right then and there, especially considering (and this is something that my parents never fail to bring up) I was quoted saying after the whole endeavor: “I am never doing another interview again.” Oh how wrong I was.
I think the band people won’t let me live down is Smash Mouth. That was another of those “on a whim” things. I sent them an email, you know, just because, and they actually said yes, to which I made a noise that sounded something like “Wha? Huh?” This led to a giveaway draw, a short video (which you can find on the Carillon Facebook page) and ended up just being a whole thing. Personally, my proudest achievement as far as band interviews go is probably Hinder, just because I know there’s one specific individual out there that appreciates it more than most.
Enough about bands though. I was also fortunate to do a lot of movie-based writing when working for the Carillon. Some articles weren’t as well received as others, with good reason, but hey, mistakes happen, life goes on, hakuna matata. Speaking of films, I am going to miss talking about, not only movies, but a wide variety of other subjects with one of my very good friends, Jeremy Davis. A class act, a hard worker, and as passionate as they come, I see nothing but success in his future. And it’s well earned. As well, thank you for helping to make me become better overall, it honestly means the world. Also shout out to Taylor Balfour and Marty Grande-Sherbert, you two are wonderful in every sense of the word and I wish you the very brightest of futures.
Speaking of good friends, a former writer of mine, Holly, was kind enough to say the following about me:
“One of the hardest things for someone my age is finding a job where the people there genuinely care about you. Fortunately for me and all who worked with him, Ethan was always there to lend an ear or help you out any way he could. Through technical difficulties and miscommunications he had endless patience for me, and I’ll always be glad to have had that example.”
Betterment and thankfulness aside, let’s touch on regrets for a moment shall we? If I had any regrets, it would be that I probably could’ve done more while running the section, but I was happy with the results of it at the end of the day. I truly believe that we as individuals ask more from ourselves then we can give. At least that’s what I do to myself, I demand perfection right from the start despite my level of experience and then, when I do mess up, I beat myself up and convince myself I’m beneath the common individual. That I have no worth as a person. This is simply not the case. I am extremely proud of what I have been able to accomplish and, despite the mistakes I’ve made along the way (however big or small), I now view these moments as opportunities to grow and mature. Life has a funny way of making you look at your mistakes like a greatest hits playlist of things that you should cringe looking back on. But no, now I embrace these mistakes, and use them as fuel to better myself day after day so that won’t make them again. I can’t wait to see what life throws at me next.
To end off, I suppose I’ll leave you, the reader, with a piece of an inspirational quote from the movie Rocky Balboa (2006) because, as mentioned earlier, that’s just the kind of sentimental person I am:
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it.
You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.”
So long Carillon, and thanks for everything.