

It was a sad weekend for Saskatchewan football

Braden Dupuis, Paige Kreutzwiser, Autumn McDowell, Dietrich Neu, Britton Gray

The Regina Rams fell to the Calgary Dinos 38-14 on Nov. 9, thus ending their season. Out of the 20 players who are graduating this year, who do you think is the most likely to continue their football career?

Dupuis: If I had to put money on it, I’d say Stefan Charles is a virtual lock to play pro football somewhere. He’s even getting looks from NFL scouts. It would be great to see Mueller get another shot at a CFL camp as well – dude deserves it.

Kreutzwiser: I would assume Mueller will continue on with football considering his family history. However, Cody Johnstone, I am expecting big things from you in the future. Potential Central Collegiate high school football coach? I think so.

McDowell: Well, the blatantly obvious choices are Brett Jones and Stefan Charles. Generally, unless the Central Scouting Bureau horribly drops the ball, their top 10 CFL draft picks are pretty solid and will continue playing football. I also think punter Chris Bodnar will get his third attempt to crack a CFL roster, I’ll bet in Hamilton. Bodnar’s already tried to make it in Edmonton and Saskatchewan; somewhere has to stick eventually.

Neu: Wow, 20 players? Talk about a major rebuilding season next year. There are a couple of players who could keep their football careers alive. Kolton Solomon and Marc Meuller have already played in the CFL preseason. Jamir Walker might be another person to watch.

Gray: I think that any of these players have the ability to continue in football and can’t pick just one. With hard work and determination they can make it to the CFL and maybe help the riders finally win another Grey Cup.

Ottawa is supposed to have a Canadian Football League team once again in 2014. Many people would like them to be called the Rough Riders once again, what do you think their name should be?

Dupuis: I would stick with the Renegades. It’s a perfectly decent name that isn’t already taken by one of the eight CFL teams. It doesn’t make much sense for them to go with their old Rough Riders name, or does it? No, it really doesn’t.

Kreutzwiser: I saw on twitter not that long ago a discussion about naming the team and someone said something along the lines of The Ottawa Avro Arrows and someone responded that their program would be cancelled by some guy from Saskatchewan. Ha! Got to love Canadian history jokes.

McDowell: Oh tough call. Well, I think the only logical name for the new Ottawa team would be the Posse. I just find Ottawa Posse to be a hilarious team name. That, and because the Wheeling Nailers is already a team’s name.

Neu: This is dumb. The CFL has failed in the Ottawa market twice already. The Ottawa Angry Beavers is what I would call them, because it’s stupid, just like the idea to bring another team there.

Gray: I think their name should be “The Scandlers” because that’s where all the politicians like to call home in their big building. While we may not have had a “Clinton Incident” scandals have become synonymous with politics.

The Saskatchewan Roughriders fell to the Calgary Stampeders 36-30 on Sunday. While we are all still rattled, which of the Riders players or personnel do you hope get fired before next season?

Dupuis: Aside from the Hilltops victory on Nov. 10, it was a tough weekend for Saskatchewan football. The Riders showed some improvement this year, but they’ll need a whole lot more if they want to be playing in the Grey Cup at home in 2013. I don’t have any definite answers, but I wouldn’t miss Chris Getzlaf and his butterfingers one bit.

Kreutzwiser: Do not, I repeat, do not get rid of Getzlaf or Dressler, I enjoy watching them. But my thinking is maybe it’s time to get rid of Durrant, so we can potentially get something out of it while he is still worth something.

McDowell: Get rid of fucking Getzlaf. How people can still want him around is beyond me. He has been absolutely brutal all season, how can we still be paying him to catch the football? The kid sucks. Let’s just take a look at his stats from the CFL West semi-final, oh wait, the ball hit him directly in the face and he still couldn’t catch it.

Neu: I would fire whoever is in charge of paying the writers for Inside Green, I know it’s one of the Roughrider brass. I’ve been waiting to be paid for articles I wrote two months ago. Get your shit together, assholes. I don’t know if I should be saying that before I actually get paid.

Gray: I’m not too sure, while the favourite would be the guy who blew the coverage but football is a team game and the blame can’t be placed on him. Getzlaf dropped a key pass and there were other miscues. Lets just hope they improve next year.

What do you think about Justin Bieber performing at the Grey Cup half time show this year?

Dupuis: J-Biebs and C-Rae Jeps sharing the stage with Big-G Lightfoot? Looks like someone at the CFL has been reading my emails  –or monitoring my increasingly erotic dreams. If it’s the latter, I have a feeling we’re in for one hell of a disturbing halftime show.

Kreutzwiser: I already expressed my opinion about this on twitter saying when did the fans of CFL become 15-year-old girls? But, then again, I’m a Belieber and would take him over Nickelback any day. Who really watches the half-time show anyways? That’s reserved for drinking.

McDowell: We always get the worst people to play at the Grey Cup. Well, I shouldn’t be so harsh, there was that one time we had Nickleback. I hope my sarcasm is coming across in this. I’m sorry that I don’t want to hear some 95-pound child sing some song about his breakup with Saleena Gomez. Did you hear they broke up?

Neu: It’s not really any worse than the usual half time “entertainment” we see every year. A friend of mine once said that he “lost his faith in humanity” after watching one of the Super Bowl half time shows.

Gray: I don’t care. The reason why I’ll be tuning into the half-time show this year would be for Carly-Rae Jepsen. I just wish I could be there to see her live and enjoy the full experience, and then go to the bathroom when Beiber takes the stage.

I am well aware that we still don't have NHL hockey, but who do you think is the best captain in the league?

Dupuis: I think I gotta give it to Shane Doan. The guy is a born leader, and pure class for sticking it out in Phoenix, the undisputed butthole of the NHL. I’d follow Shane Doan anywhere. And I mean anywhere. Except maybe to Phoenix.

Kreutzwiser: I’m just going to go out on a whim here and say that Sedin twin from the Canucks, because I know a few people who cheer for them and would probably kill me if I said anything different.

McDowell: Obviously it’s Sidney Crosby. I don’t even need to list the reasons why he’s unreal, I’ll just name why other people suck. I debated this topic earlier in the week as to whom was better, Iginla or Crosby. I know, it was like taking candy from a baby. Iginla, really? All I have to say is, how many cups does Iginla have? Oh, that’s right. None.  

Neu: Alexander Ovechkin because he has several of his teeth knocked out, which is manly as fuck. He is also good at skating and all that other stuff.

Gray: The Sens fan in me is screaming right now and it’s screaming one thing: Alfie! Alfie! He is one of the longest serving captains and has seen the best and worse of the Senators and has been a staple for the franchise.

Photo courtesy Don Healy

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