Our sports section is waiting for YOU!

We want to hear your voice.

Do you love sports? Wanna get paid to talk about it?

Writing for the Carillon has been an amazing experience for me, which is why I’m so excited to briefly discuss two positions we have open for hiring: sports editor and sports writer.

Our sports writer is in charge of writing two articles a week for the sports section in order to assist our sports editor. As a student journalist, you’re responsible for organizing and conducting your interviews with athletes, fans, and coaching staff, writing articles and researching. Articles need to be turned in by weekly deadlines.

Working our way up, our sports editor is in charge of the entire sports section (four pages) every week. This means this editor is in charge of creating a pitch list of potential articles, recruiting writers, organizing articles, and finding contributors for their section. As an editor, they are also in charge of facilitating the graphics needs for every article in their section, and having edited articles in on their respective due-dates. Every Carillon editor is also required to write one article for their section each week.

[EIC’s note: Additionally, if you are a University of Regina student (or a student with any affiliated college) who is interested in contributing a single piece of writing, art, or photography, you will be paid for your individual contribution as well.]

The presence of COVID-19 has made being a sports fan more challenging than ever. Thanks to this, we’d like to revamp our sports section with new faces, and voices, and stories. That means we want to hear from you, and what you want featured in your student paper.

Tell us about your favourite sports memories, the reason why you’re a fan of the teams you love, or where you hope your sports passions will take you in the future. Write a tell-all piece about your favourite sports event in history, or interview your favourite U of R athlete to see what they’ve been up to since the coronavirus lockdown began. We want this section to represent what University of Regina students care about.

When signing on to work at the Carillon, you’re not just entering a job position. Working here means joining a family of passionate creatives who want to talk about what they love. Our staff is positive, dedicated, and so talented at what they do. It’s an opportunity to stretch your skills, get some great work experience, and learn and grow with amazing students on your campus.

At least for me, being here at the Carillon has never felt like a job. It’s felt like I’ve been doing and talking about what I love, and that’s it. That alone I’m immensely grateful for.

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