

Introducing new board members

Absenteeism seems to have been eradicated! / Michael Chmielewski

Absenteeism seems to have been eradicated! / Michael Chmielewski

The most recent University of Regina Students’ Union (URSU) board meeting took place Oct. 22, 2014.

The Carillon was not allowed to record the meeting? Why?       

This was the first URSU board meeting since the Oct. 15-16 by-election to fill vacant spots on the board.  The results of the by-election were ratified that meeting.  The new board members are as follows (according to the document ratified by the board): Jeremy Roberts (Aboriginal Students’ Director), Emily Barber (LGBTQ Students’ Director), Jermain McKenzie (Arts Students’ Director), Regina Prost (Education Students’ Director), Charene Claude (Luther Students’ Director), Emily Morris (Campion Students’ Director) and Billy Patterson (Part Time Students’ Director).  This was the first board meeting since these students were elected to their positions. Good luck to them. The next URSU board meeting will feature a presentation from the Chief Returning Officer on the election.

VP external affairs Daniella Zemlak started the meeting off by presenting how her trip to Ottawa went for the CFS Annual General Meeting earlier in October. The Carillon will report more on this trip next week. The Carillon interviewed Zemlak after the meeting about the trip, and we will report on it as soon as we can.

The board then decided on a couple of motions. They passed a motion sponsoring the JDC West Team in the amount of $7500 with no debate.

Next, they passed a motion providing $400 in funding for VP operations and finance Minsoo Cho to attend the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Conference from Oct. 26-29. The AASHE website describes the conference as “one of our most powerful tools for empowering higher education to lead the sustainability transformation”

Then, the board approved an updated version of the Poster Policy presented at the meeting. If you need to hang posters, check URSU’s website or their front desk for the new policy before your expensive posters get ripped down.

Lastly, the board passed a motion for the “Frost Week Committee [to] spend up to $10,000 on Frost Week from the Welcome Week budget.” Frost Week will be like a Welcome Week, except in January when students come back for the Winter semester. Frost Week is tentatively scheduled for Jan. 6-9 2015. Students can expect a carnival, non-alcoholic events, the V-team, Winter Olympics, breakfast, luncheons and much more. The motion passed unanimously.

Although the room was filled with around 17 directors, there was hardly any debate on the motions passed. In fact, they all passed if not completely then nearly unanimously.

The Carillon will continue to report of upcoming URSU board meetings. Stay posted for more minutemen columns.



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