Minimizing Burn-Out 

A person at a desk, studying by the light of a desk lamp.
Don’t stay up so late to study that you sleep through the exam! Insign from Getty Images Signature via Canva

some tips on advising end of term stress 

The semester is slowly but surely coming to an end. And if you are anything like me, this is normally around the time when you feel burn-out creeping in. The worst part of it all is that this is not the time to experience burn-out. As students, we are unfortunately not owed that luxury. There are deadlines almost every single day. From assignments to labs to papers to midterms, it seems that everybody is feeling extremely exhausted on all levels.  

Burn-out does not mean that you are lazy. It is your body’s way of signaling to you that it is exhausted, and you need a break. I know what you are thinking. “I don’t have the time to take a break right now.” You do. You just need to find the time to squeeze a break in. We were not created to spend hours and hours studying. Your brain needs rest. Your body needs rest. You cannot produce your best work without rest. This is the best way to tackle burn-out. Don’t avoid it. Take the sign and get some rest. This might mean stepping away from your notes for an hour or two to take a nap, or watch a relaxing movie, or just do absolutely nothing. No thoughts, no braincells, just vibing. That just might be the cure for burn-out. Try it and report back. I could be right; I could be wrong. Let me know! 

You need to prioritize self-care. In this extremely stressful time, you need to find ways to manage your stress. My favourite way to manage my stress is by going to the gym, lifting weights, and spending some time in the sauna. It helps me focus on myself. For those two hours, nothing else matters. School does not matter. My assignments can take a backseat. I give myself the time to focus on nourishing my body, my mind, my brain, and my soul. The only thing I am thinking about is what I will eat after my work-out. I have found that spending this time for myself allows me to check in with my body and my mind and see where I am that day, how I am feeling. This doesn’t mean that I give 100% every day. Some days I give a good 95%, and some days I give 20%. But above all else, it means that I am still giving myself the space to step away from my studying and assignments to do something that I enjoy. Find something you enjoy, and turn it into a habit that you do whenever you are feeling burnt out and exhausted.  

Additionally, set boundaries with yourself. After studying for a certain number of hours, you need to firmly step back from it and focus on something else. This could be sleep, a warm shower, or painting. It can be whatever you want. Many of us are taught that we need toc omit to our tasks and responsibilities. However, there is such a thing as ‘over-committing’. This leads to you giving and giving until there is nothing left of you. Set firm boundaries with other people, but especially yourself. Exhausting yourself will not get you anywhere. You need to take care of your health. Otherwise, your body will shut down to teach you a lesson. You need to be at balance with your body. This is the most important lesson when it comes to burn-out.


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