Maria Aman lodges human rights complaint


author: john loeppky | editor-in-chief

ursu in hot water credit ella mikkola


Former URSU candidate contesting election results

Former candidate Maria Aman has lodged a human rights complaint against the University of Regina Students’ Union.

Aman says that she made the complaint to highlight issues within the organization, in her words, “To expose the corruption that occurred during the 2017 elections.”

The complaint came after Aman was removed from the 2017 elections and her competitor, Shawn Wiskar, was selected as vice-president of student affairs.

Maria gave further reasoning as to why she made the complaint.

“We must ensure that proper standards are followed when it comes to democracy and fairness. Even at a university level, this is where values are learned. If it’s okay to do here, what’s stopping our future leaders from doing it again later in their lives when the stakes are even higher? To me, (and I hope to many others), that is not okay.”

Wiskar, in response, referred back to the initial decision document provided by the board and noted URSU’s current stance.

“URSU is aware of a human rights complaint that has been submitted to the Human Right Commission. However, we have no idea about the state of the actual complaint and we are awaiting hearing from the commission itself.”

Wiskar did confirm that URSU was aware that the complaint was in regards to the election, but not the specifics.

Aman says that her goal is to prevent others from experiencing what she has, adding, “Secrets are lies.”

We will continue to update this story as it develops on our website






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