Local artist feature: Madhavi Matta
Matta talks about positivity, inspiration, and mental health
This week, I interviewed local artist Madhavi Matta about her work. Here’s what she had to say!
What is your background?
I come from a beautiful coastal area of Andhra Pradesh, [… a] state in India. My childhood education was done there. When I was a kid [I admired nature] a lot. I wanted to colour whatever I saw on paper or canvas. My paintings are [based on] my own imagination […] One day, I wanted colours and paper, so [my dad] bought them [for me] and I started. My parents are very supportive and encouraging.
My husband is also very supportive and caring. After I got married, I had new responsibilities, so I stopped art in the meantime. I would feel lonely, so I would try to [use art to] come out of the loneliness. If you have a problem, you have a solution too. When I think of painting and colours, I feel very happy. It was a form of meditation for me. I started painting again after many years.
When I came to Canada with my husband and kids, I started taking [my art] very serious. I started [to realize] it is my passion. My kids are now grown up and I’m taking the time to do more painting. After one year in Canada, I got a job at Lowes. My coworkers and managers are very friendly. I am [able to balance] my work and my passion. I’m just looking for opportunities to showcase my paintings. I had a chance to showcase my painting at the summer bash. It gave me the chance to teach my art. I [also] had [the chance to teach] a class about a week ago.
What inspires you?
My inspiration is Mother Nature. I’m inspired by different seasons. I enjoy every moment. I see my own imagination in everything. Day and night. Mother Nature never makes me feel bored. [She] always surprises me with different shades and colours. My [work] and nature [go] hand in hand with people: I like different cultures, different ethnicities, and ancient civilizations. I am [particularly] inspired by ancient Egypt [and] Rome.
What do you aim to convey in your work?
My paintings are [just] my own imaginations. I don’t like restrictions […] I just need freedom [… to] do whatever is in my heart and in my mind. I just colour it on canvas. I feel very peaceful painting. If one person thinks positively as a result of my painting, I will be very happy.
My painting[s] are about social causes and about mental health. [One example of this is] a piece [that I painted] called “See with your heart, not your eyes” and it [shows] a child with Downs Syndrome hugging a heart. Another one is about hope. I want to convey messages about mental health and positivity through my paintings. Mental health is the most important thing. If you are mentally healthy, you can take care of yourself and your family.
What would you say to artists who are feeling lost?
If you have any passion, give some time to it. If you are always working you forget how to smile. When you are doing what your heart wants, it will not make you rich, but it will give you [a reason] to breathe.
If someone wants to buy a painting, how should they do it?
They can message me on Instagram @madhavi_matta or Facebook.