Interview with Instagram account YQR Affirmations

Someone tell me why I’m getting Sally from Peanuts vibes. YQR Affirmations

Inside scoop on the inspiration and motivations behind the Instagram account YQR Affirmations

The transcript that follows is our interview with the creator of the Instagram page @yqraffirmations – they’d like to remain anonymous, but confirmed they are a student at the University of Regina. 

What inspired you to create the Instagram page? 

It was this other account. There was the same idea for Edmonton. It was my best friend’s idea. Nobody made an account like that. A year later, I realized we still don’t have one here. I texted my friend asking, “What if I just make the account?” and she told me to go for it. I made it two months ago thinking nothing of it. I expected it to be forgotten, I wasn’t even sure I’d get any followers. But then more people found out about it and people just enjoyed it a lot. 

What exactly is YQR Affirmations? What does it mean to you? 

For me, it’s fun to do in my free time. It is almost a hobby. When I’m bored, I just create a couple of memes for it. I feel like Regina has a bad rep, so I wanted it to be something that showcased the fun things about the city. I wanted it to show that Regina is kind of cool, heavy emphasis on kind of. I want it to be fun and exciting instead of trashy. 

What is the purpose behind YQR Affirmations? Is there anything you hope or wish to accomplish with it?

I would love to do collaborations. I have done a few interviews with different people that were really interesting. I’m still trying to figure it out because I don’t know much about social media. But in the future, I would love to do collaborations with more people and more businesses. 

What is your favourite thing about living in YQR?

I feel like we have a lot of good restaurants, our restaurant scene is really good. 

What is your least favourite thing about living in YQR?

I hate the cold and I feel like we don’t have enough things to do, I wish we had more things to see. I also hate the lack of good public transportation. I’ve been to bigger cities, and I know we don’t have the same population; there is also so much stigma surrounding public transportation. I wish Regina was a walkable city but it’s such an issue in the city. I went to Vancouver last year and I was out really late, but it was still quite safe. If you’re not going to fix the public transportation system, at least fix the roads. 

What goes into creating content for the page? Do you take your own pictures? How do you
edit the pictures?

Mainly I find all my images on Google, I do occasionally have people send in things […] In terms of editing, I use PicsArt. I don’t spend a ridiculous amount on the pictures. I spend more time for the captions and what I hope to say for the pictures.

Do you miss Zellers? Target? Why do you think stores constantly leave that one area in

I think it’s just the location. There’s nothing really around there. There isn’t much of a market for a big store there. I don’t think it’s the right area. I don’t know if Lowes closed because of the pandemic but that area was not a good place for the store. It was the wrong year to open Target. It didn’t have enough hype. If they re-opened it know it would be so big. 

What are some YQR or  U of R related conspiracy theories that you personally believe or
have heard of? 

I don’t think the Riddell area is far-fetched. I feel like it’s probably true. I also think that the entire area in Ad-Hum with the bed bugs is absolutely filthy. I don’t know why they won’t rip the carpet out or clean the entire area. I think the government house is haunted. The area has weird creepy vibes. There is a mirror there and I think the mirror is haunted. I have no proof or evidence, but I think the Hotel Saskatchewan is haunted. It has creepy vibes in there (Author’s note: mine is that there are cockroach shavings in anything you get at the Tim Hortons in Riddell. I remember at one point they had to shut it down because there was an infestation. That Tim Hortons activates my fight or flight mode anytime I’m in the vicinity).

Is there anything else you would like readers of the Carillon to know?

I’m open to more interviews and more people reaching out. Just message me on Instagram!


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