The Carillon’s Annual General Meeting will be held on March 28. For more details, or to submit a motion, please contact the editor-in-chief at editor@carillonregina.com
There are two large omnibus motions on the table. If you would like to look at a full copy of the constitution email the editor-in-chief at the address above and you will be sent a copy within 24 hours.
Motion 1 from Ed Kapp
WHEREAS the Carillon constitution is unacceptably outdated.
WHEREAS the Carillon constitution, in its current form, has the potential to cause the organization undue harm in the future.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Carillon membership ratifies the following changes to the constitution:
– Change all “incorporation” references to “corporation.”
– Clean up the grammar and make all references consistent.
– Motion to move sections 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.2 from Article 1 to Article 2 and merge sections 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 together to read “Amendments to this constitution shall be made at a constituted Board meeting where a two-thirds (2/3) majority is present to have quorum to vote on constitution changes.”
– Add 2.0.3 – “Members of the Board are barred from contributing content to the Carillon for the duration of their term, excluding the Staff Seat and Editor in Chief.”
– Add 3.1.0 – “The Board shall be responsible for ensuring the financials for the previous fiscal year are prepared and made available to any interested member not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the AGM. When finances allow, an auditor’s report of the financial statements should also be made available. “
– Remove 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, change to “The Board shall ensure that the operations of the corporation are in accordance with the Non-Profit Corporations Act.”
– Add 3.2.1. “All members shall have speaking rights at all meetings of the Board and must submit an outline of their speaking points to the Chair one week prior to the meeting.”
– Remove from 3.2.2 – “Minutes of Ed. Board meetings shall be made available to any student of the University of Regina within five (5) days upon request, and shall be posted on the Carillon’s website.”
– Remove “the Non-Profit Corporation Act” from 3.5.0.
– Remove – “A member may run for the staff seat even if they are not a staff member at the time of the election, but are interested in becoming a Carillon staff member in the fall hiring process.”
– Remove alumni seat on Board of Directors and replace it with Business Manager seat.
– Remove 4.1.1 – “If a voting member does not mark the ballot according to the instructions, as outlined in §4.1.0, then the ballot shall be declared spoiled and shall become void.”
Move the following sections to Article 12
– 4.4.0. Privileges of the members of the Board may be withdrawn if, in the opinion of a two thirds (2/3) majority of the membership at a special general meeting (SGM):
– The person violates the constitution, or
– The person interferes with the rights of another person
– – The person takes actions that are unbecoming of the corporation/board.
– 4.4.1. A motion to remove a director of the Board shall require seven (7) days notice and the person(s) involved shall be given an opportunity to prepare a defense, and to present this defense at the SGM, or AGM
– 4.4.2. Motions to dismiss Board members must meet the requirements of 12.0.1 and 12.1.0.
Move the following to Article 10
– 4.5.0. Members wishing to contest the decisions of the Board may appeal through the process of the AGM, or through a SGM, reaching quorum.
– 4.5.1. In the event of a successful SGM, the Board may take the following courses of action:
– Submit to the will of the membership, or
– Open a by-election for the Board, but may put forth their names for re-election.
Remove subsections 6.2.1 through 6.4.0
– Add subsections 6.2.1 “If a member requests Robert’s Rules of Order (revised), that request must be made no less than three days before the next scheduled Ed. Board meeting.” And 6.2.2 “If such a request is made the chairperson must prepare an agenda before, and record minutes during, the scheduled meeting.”
Add Article 15
– 15.0.0 All employees and directors of the board are thought to be representing the Carillon from the moment of their employment.
– 15.1.0. All employees and directors of the board shall be held accountable to the Carillon Code of Conduct and the Carillon Social Media Policy throughout the length of their tenure.
– 15.1.1 The Carillon Code of Conduct and the Carillon Social Media Policy shall be added to the constitution as an appendix.
– 15.1.2 Any changes to either the Carillon Code of Conduct or the Carillon Social Media Policy will require a ⅔ majority vote by the Board of Directors.
– 15.2.0. In an instance where a member fails to comply with either the Carillon Code of Conduct or the Carillon Social Media Policy, the editor-in-chief and the Board of Directors will follow the procedures outlined in 11.0.1 through 11.0.4.
Add Article 16:
16.0.0 Forty (40) members must be in attendance to have quorum.
16.1.0 Any general member may submit a proposition at an AGM.
End of Motion 1
Motion 2 from Ed Kapp
WHEREAS the Carillon constitution is unacceptably outdated.
WHEREAS the Carillon constitution, in its current form, has the potential to cause the organization undue harm in the future.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Carillon membership ratifies the following changes to the constitution:
Add the following sections to article 10
– 10.6.0 If a member has a grievance with a member of the Board, that grievance will be brought before the editor-in-chief, who will bring the matter to the attention of the Board of Directors.
– 10.6.1 The Board will then set a date to formally deal with the grievance and will provide all evidence to the accused Board member, and will allow a minimum of one week for both the member filing the grievance and the accused Board member to prepare their case.
– 10.6.1. If culpability has been affirmed by the Board and the complaint has not gone to a higher avenue, the Board may undertake to remedy the situation through the avenues outlined in 10.3.0
– 10.7.0 If a member has a grievance with the Board of Directors as a whole, they have the right to request a hearing by a third party governing body such as, but not limited to, the University of Regina Students’ Union Board of Directors.
– 10.7.1. When such a request is made, both the member filing the grievance and the Board of Directors must mutually agree upon which impartial body will decide the fate of the accused.
– 10.7.1. If no mutual agreement can be reached the URSU Board of Directors will be the default option, provided that they accept the job.
Remove the following sections from article 11:
– 11.0.1. The member will be given an oral warning by the editor-in-chief.
– 11.0.2. If performance does not improve, the member will be given a written warning by the editor-in-chief.
– 11.0.3. If poor performance persists, the member will be brought before the Board and will be dealt with.
– 11.0.4. The member will have one week to prepare a defense.
Add the following sections to article 11:
– 11.0.1 The member will be given an oral warning by the editor-in-chief, which must be witnessed by the business manager to be considered a valid oral warning.
– 11.0.2. If performance does not improve, the member will be given a written warning by the Carillon Grievance Committee.
– The Carillon Grievance committee must be formed once no less than three board members (excluding the editor-in-chief and the business manager seats) have been elected or appointed to the board.
– The Carillon Grievance Committee must be made up of three, and only three, members of the board (excluding the editor-in-chief and the business manager).
– If more than three board members are elected or appointed, and provided that more than three board members wish to serve on the grievance committee, the editorial board must vote to approve only three members to the committee at a formal editorial board meeting (outlined in 6.2.1 and 6.2.2).
– 11.0.3. If poor performance persists, the member (outlined in 11.0.0) will be brought before the Board and will be dealt with.
– 11.0.4. The member will have one week to prepare a defense.
End of Motion 2
[…] The Carillon […]
Can you please just post a digital copy (ideally a PDF or Google Doc) of your constitution and financials on your website. It makes your organization look more transparent. If RPIRG (http://rpirg.org/about-us/policies-financial-statements/) and URSU (http://ursu.ca/governance/policies_and_bylaws) post their information online, The Carillon can as well.