Golden boys


Golden Apple Theatre’s God of Carnage delights

Although there are a number of parents at the U of R, many students cannot not overly relate to the concept of being a mother or father. However, have no fear student body; Golden Apple Theatre’s production of God of Carnage can help you out – or maybe it will just make you afraid to get married and have children.

This Tony Award-winning comedy by Yasmina Reza is a hilarious illustration that maybe the apple truly does not fall far from the tree. And, with the constant reminder from viral YouTube videos, commercials and media coverage that bullying is a major issue in our world today, God of Carnage reiterates the importance of dealing with conflict in a positive and healthy way.

While in the midst of watching this production, I was thinking, “There's no way I will ever turn out like any of those characters.” However, after the play was over, I could identify with each one, which is slightly unnerving to think about, if you have ever seen the show.

Four actors make up the cast of this production, and they all did a terrific job in developing each character throughout the show. At times I wanted to smack certain characters for their arrogance, but that is the reality of life that this play presents. And, although these four parents met in the response of their boys’ bullying ordeal, Reza shows how bullying is not only an issue within school circles, but it crosses over into everyday lives of adults as well.

Golden Apple Theatre, an organization that promotes Saskatchewan-based casts and crews for all their productions, put on such an intimate and personal presentation of the comedy that you felt truly engaged in the process of four adults’ extremely immature inability to handle what seems like an “easy” everyday issue.

Director Andorlie Hillstrom explains that the feedback from both actors and audience has been extremely positive. “They enjoy the environment that we, The Golden Apple, are creating.”

Alongside the warm atmosphere inside the Artesian and the combination of cabaret and traditional theatre styled seating, God of Carnage creates a very special ambiance for the audience.

With everything from racism to sexist attitudes, politics to third world crises, fowl language, inebriation and vomiting, God of Carnage and the Golden Apple Theatre cast and crew create a beautifully structured and brilliant production.

Only running from Jan. 30 to Feb. 10, you don't have much time left to grab tickets but, I highly suggest going to and picking up some up as soon as you can. I guarantee you will laugh, and if for some strange reason you don't, then at least there is bar in the basement.

Paige Kreutzwieser

Photo courtesy of Golden Apple Theatre

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