Finding a social media balance


Apparently, today’s social media affects society positively

Facebookin’ like a champ. / Michael Chmielewski

Facebookin’ like a champ. / Michael Chmielewski

Author: Jessie Anton

Close your eyes and imagine: you are six years old, and you are playing outside with your friends. Remember that? That’s physical, human interaction.

It’s as clear as the iPhone 6’s 1080p Retina HD display that social media has a bad rap. Sure, it is completely understandable that not getting enough exercise due to the Candy Crush addiction you’ve acquired on Facebook is absolutely rotten—not to mention your 20.1K tweet count on Twitter (which apparently paid off because Harry Styles “fav’d” your tweet *insert hair flipping emoji*). Oh, and let’s not forget about keeping up with the Kardashians on Instagram. It’s obvious: no one wants to admit to having cravings for such mindless, superficial entertainment.

Yet, what many anti-social media people forget to acknowledge is how much this new technology brings people together, educates people about the world, and promotes self-expression.

For example, Facebook, for me, brings forth countless old friends and family (some of which I’ve never even met). Because I add them as Facebook friends, I am able to keep in touch and learn about their lives as if I don’t live half way across the globe.

On the other hand, Twitter is typically used as a relief among the “Facebookfamily-friendly façade.” Being an outlet to state personal thoughts, connect celebrities with fans, and to spread the word about things going on in the world—often times by everyday people—Twitter is a great educational tool.

Although, it is the positive role that Instagram takes on, letting a person explore their life and thoughts through pictures, that makes it one of the most popular social media sites to date.

Being able to express yourself through social media outlets is not only healthy, but can be considered a new art form. However, devoting your entire life to strictly interacting with people over social media, rather than in person, isn’t beneficial either.

With that being said, it’s 2014, and a large majority are realizing that social media is consuming the intangible things life has to offer. Because of this, many are getting fit and are using social media to fuel their drive to better themselves; in today’s society, a happy medium is slowly progressing.

Even though most overspend time on social media, it is fair to say that our world wouldn’t be where it is today without it. Just remember: no amount of likes will help you pass a class, so read your textbooks and manage your time wisely, people.


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