DIY dorm decorations


Inspired by, spooky wreaths are an excellent way to showcase your creativity this Halloween. 

So far this spooky season, I have found it so difficult to get into the Halloween spirit. With many activities canceled due to the rising COVID case count, I decided to get into the festivities by making my own decorations. Halloween wreaths are a quick and easy way to spice up your dorm room fashionably and affordably, so without further ado, I present to you DIY Dorm Decorations with Gill. 

All the items I used were purchased at Dollarama and Michaels. However, I did try to steer away from Michael’s because they are more expensive. Take your time browsing through the store; you may not find all the items you need right away, but it’s lots of fun when you find a piece that will nicely accent your wreath. A quick Pinterest search can also help get your creative juices flowing. All wreath assembly only required using wire cutters and a glue gun. I purchased my own glue gun for a whopping $3.00 at Dollarama, and I will continue to use it in the future. As for the wire cutters, I asked the maintenance man in my building if I could borrow his extra pair. 

For wreath 1, “The Gourds of Fluff,” you will require:


Wire cutters

Glue gun

Wire wreath $1.50

2 black feather boa’s $3.00 each

2 purple Halloween roses $1.25 each

2 packages of Halloween gourds $4.00

2 wire decorative stems $4.00

Take the black boas and wrap them around the wire wreath to make a giant fluffy mop. Be warned, it will look like you plucked a chicken after weaving the boas through the wire. After you fluff the wreath to your liking, take one of your decorative wire stems and twist them around the wireframe. I then glued sparkly pumpkins, gourds, and haunted flowers around the wreath. I opted to place the wreath décor more so on the bottom with a few accents on the top. 

Pro-tip: Finish the wreath with a coat of hairspray, so the glitter on your décor stays on. 

Wreath 2: “The Cackling Crow” will require:

Wire cutters

Glue gun

2 stems, 1 sticky and 1 flowery $15.00

A stuffed raven $1.25

2″ ribbon $2.00

A stick wreath $3.00

“The Cackling Crow” was very much inspired by a Pinterest post. I started by gluing the crow to the bottom of the wreath and then took the decorative stems to cover up his feet. The only really challenging part of this wreath was the bow on top. I choose to make a gift bow, and it took my entire roll of ribbon I purchased from Michael’s to make it the way I liked it. If you choose to make a gift bow, make sure you purchase a thick ribbon for a voluminous look. It may take a few tries, but it really accents the piece nicely. I glued gothic flowers on top of the glittery stems and beside the bow. “The Cackling Crow” is my favorite wreath because the wood frame and the gold bow and stems complement each other so well. 

A bird sitting on the ground

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Wreath 3: “The Forbidden Graveyard” you will need:

Glue gun

Wire cutters

Straw wreath $3.50

2 strings of Halloween garland (I choose ghosts and spiders) $3.00 each

4 strings of tree stems, $8.00

Small grey foam chunk $0.50


This wreath was my most creative wreath, and it is very animated for those who like spooky rather than scary. I opted for a straw wreath, found in the fall decorations, because it had a neutral tone. I then used my wire cutter to snip stems of the decorative leaves to make a bushy, overgrown wreath. When I was satisfied with the look, I cut out a gravestone to stick within the foliage with “R.I.P.” written in sharpie. The whole wreath comes together nicely with cute ghosts and a spider glued onto the wreath. 

All of these wreaths are quick and easy to make that require an hour each to complete. These three easy wreaths are an excellent way to spice up your door this Halloween.

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