CD Reviews – Telekinesis: 12 Desperate Straight Lines
12 Desperate Straight Lines
Telekinesis’ 2009 self-titled album was a perfect slice of power-pop, instantly catchy and a really fun summer listen. 12 Desperate Straight Lines might require a bit more work, but it’s no less rewarding. Michael Lerner (who, well, is Telekinesis) has stripped away some of the more ornate moments of his first album, and the result is a propulsive, less overtly poppy album – shades of ’80s post-punk and new wave make their way into his signature sound, as seen on tracks like “Please Ask for Help.” That’s not to say that the old sound has been abandoned; “50 Ways” and “Car Crash” cement the Weezer meets the Shins sound that has been Lerner’s stock in trade thus far. And while 12 Desperate Straight Lines might not seem as immediate as one might come to expect from Telekinesis, that’s not to say that the album isn’t absolutely jam-stuffed full of pop hooks, or that Lerner’s songwriting has taken a hit. 12 Desperate Straight Lines simply adds new textures to an established and frankly awesome sound, positioning Telekinesis to be heir apparent to the power-pop throne.
Matthew Blackwell
Tech. Coordinator