Bell Tower Episode Seventeen

With Kent and Rhiannon!

Special Guest Devin Pacholik joins Rhiannon in the Paper Dreams Podcast Studio to soothe her loneliness and also co-host the show. Things may fly off the rails as we take care of some housekeeping, take care of the term "housekeeping", and pretend to know things about math. Devin tells all about the Trash Talkin' Conference coming up this Friday and Saturday, March 11 and 12. A wildly inappropriate episode, here on the Paper Dreams Podcast Network.



  1. Matthew 9 March, 2011 at 14:10

    These are some DULCET tones I'm hearing coming from my speakers.
    DULCET I tell you!
    I also know the answer to your question but I don't think I'm able to win. šŸ™

  2. Rhiannon 9 March, 2011 at 21:00

    Hahaha, I swear I meant Devin and myself, specifically. Though I like the idea of Eaton's being a store for literal dinosaurs.

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