Back to school fashion

Fashion tips to help students dress for success
Author: Kaitlynn Nordal
Well everyone, it’s that time of year again: that time of year when you walk into a classroom and might make assumptions about your new classmates simply because of what they are wearing.
Although, as a society we like to say, “we don’t judge,” but everyone judges whether they realize it or not. But, have no fear, the Carillon is here to help you put your best fashion forward.
In fall, most people wear more neutral colours. But I ask, “Why?” Just because summer is over does not mean colour has to be. This fall, add a little fun to any outfit with bright colours.
Here’s a little tip: if you are feeling blah about a neutral-coloured wardrobe this fall (sometimes you have to wear neutrals to the office or to school), spice it up with bright underwear. It will improve your mood.
Until it gets too cold in Saskatchewan to wear them, crop tops are still a must to have fun with an outfit. To make a crop top a little more dressy, pair it with a leather jacket and skirt to make it look a little more professional and put together.
For the first few weeks of school, it will still be hot enough to wear shorts, and I say, “Take advantage of this!” To add a little style to an oversized sweater – hey, sometimes you just want to be comfortable and stylish – pair it with a pair of cut-off shorts and thigh-high boots. Graphic shorts are a perfect way to add a little je ne sais quoi to any outfit.
Acid washed jeans are also a must. Leather pants add a little rocker edge to a preppy knit. Skinny jeans and strappy heels offset the bulk of any army jacket hiding in the back of your closet.
Have to wear a skirt? Pair a bright clutch and a crop top to make a pencil skirt a little dressier.
If you want to do a dressed up, but not too dressed up look, pair a varsity jacket with more of a lady-like bag.
Madonna’s line, “Material Girl,” is something to look at this fall. She has a lot of bright-coloured and printed tops to check out. Don’t be afraid to wear animal prints either.
If you don’t want to spend lots of money on clothes, go to thrift stores. They have hidden gems that can be paired with jewelry and shoes to make them unique. Mixing street and classic pieces is the best way to make a tried and true outfit all your own.
If you are a fan of fringe, don’t hide it. Most people will say wearing fringe should only happen at music festivals, but why? Pair it with a bigger sweater and heals, and you have a killer outfit.
Finally, no outfit is complete without jewelry. Big jewelry – that’s right welcome back 1980s – and long necklaces are the perfect addition to any outfit. So, rummage through your mom’s closet and hope they have the jewelry from their childhood.
Good god. How does shit like this get published? Not only are these the stupidest “fashion” tips ever (Really? Wear bright undies to boost your mood? What is this, CosmoGirl?), this is one of the most poorly written articles I’ve ever read in my life. I guess the Carillon doesn’t care if they publish articles with spelling and grammar errors anymore. This person needs to pick a new hobby, “fashion” journalism is clearly not for them.