City of Regina switches swim lesson provider

You know you’re in trouble when the lifeguard’s standing like a pop star. Oped-Clipart-Vectors via Pixabay, manipulated by Lee Lim

A transition has been made to the Lifesaving Society after being Red Cross faithful for decades

For many years, a company known as the Red Cross has been providing swimming lessons in the city. Based on the Red Cross’s website, they offered and focused on providing and giving networks, programs, and services to help and serve local communities. Even though the Red Cross has been giving swimming lessons for years, the city decided to take a change in pace and change companies.

Recently, it has been discovered the new company that will be providing swimming lessons will be a company known as the Lifesaving Society. Based on the Lifesaving Society’s website, they are under the Saskatchewan branch. This company is a not-for-profit organization. The focus of this team is to “prevent drowning and other related injuries in Canada.” Now that you know a bit about the background of the Lifesaving Society, the Carillon did an interview with Kelsey Gallagher over the phone to help and get you insight, and get excited about, the courses that are being offered.

What is your job position for the Lifesaving Society and what importance does it serve?

I am the Saskatchewan branch’s administration manager and one of the public education coordinators. […] I am responsible for the day-to-day activities of the Saskatchewan branch office. It can include processing and work towards educating the public on how to be safe around water.

What are some of your company’s differences when compared to the Red Cross that those in the community can look forward too?

The Lifesaving Society has been around in Canada since 1894, and the Saskatchewan branch since 1964. We have had a long history when it comes to water safety, and our main mission is to prevent drowning and reduce water related injuries. The main difference between the Red Cross and Lifesaving Society is just that portion. […] Specifically to the swimming program, there is not a ton of changes that patrons may notice based on the content and competency that are required in swimming lessons. The main difference will be noticed in the names or programs. Although essentially both programs work towards the same goal for the candidates to achieve in certain swimming goals, […] when it comes to the content of the swimming lesson it is relatively the same.

What kind of accommodation is your team ready to provide for all different kinds of children and adults?

Since the Swim for Life program has been running in Canada for over 20 years, it is adaptable to suit all different levels. Specifically, we even have adult swimming programs to give adults the chance to learn skills as well.

What is your team looking forward to as being the new agency for swimming lessons throughout the city?

We are excited that it is going to be based all around one program now and one organization. […] We are really excited to have strong consistency around all Saskatchewan. We now get the chance to start at the very beginning through the city of Regina, start with parents and toddler lessons all the way up to the swimmer lessons. […] We are hoping this will reduce any confusion between the two programs, and provide a nice steady flow for all the patrons in the city of Regina.

Where can people find resources to access information about said swimming lesson?

The Lifesaving Society website has a Swim for Life page as well as a swim transition page. So, the transition from the Red Cross to the Lifesaving Society is being called swim transition. So on that swim transition page, we have all the information based on advanced swimming lessons and how to transition as well as the swim registration chart.

It appears that this Lifesaving Society is really looking forward to this transition and helping as many patrons as possible in Regina. Gallagher also wanted to add at the end of the conversation that “We are not starting from scratch. We have already been implanted for many years in places like Yorkton, Prince Albert, and Swift Current. I really want people to understand that we are not facilitating this program; it already existed, and we are hoping to create and have a smooth and easy transition for the patrons. Our main goal is drowning prevention, so we are mainly focusing on people having those essential life skills.”


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