How to transfer


author: konstantin kharitonov | contributor

Transfer papers

All of that paper just to transfer?/dvortygirl via flickr

Athletes switch programs

Depending on your current program, the thought of transferring schools has probably come across your mind, fellow student. The process itself is quite daunting. Credits have to match up with the school that you are transferring to, making sure that the program you are applying to will accept the classes you have taken as equivalents to theirs, and then the actual process of moving to that new school. It is most certainly a stressful time.

Imagine adding on top of all of that the process of joining a completely new athletics program. And you thought normal transfer had a bunch of paperwork that needed to be resolved. First, there is the athlete verification form for transfer students that needs to be filed out and sent for approval. Then, if you are part of the track and field, cross country, or swimming program, there are separate forms to be filled out. There is also a separate form for those who are transferring from a NCAA or NAIA program, or part of the national team for student-athletes. As well, before a student athlete can transfer to another university’s athletic program, there are certain regulations that the student must be aware of.

For starters, any athletes that transfer are not allowed to compete on their new athletics programs for an entire year (full 12 months, 365 days). Also to keep in mind, a program’s team coach cannot message an athlete for transfer. If you inquire about transferring, that coach must then contact your coach about the discussion. My gosh, what an experience.

While it can be seen as a hefty penalty, especially to those close to their graduation, the reasoning behind such a decision is to relieve some of the stress that transfer student already has. By taking a year off, the student is able to ease into their new school, their new program, and new lifestyle. It can be challenging enough to move from city to city, province to province, so those are given top priority. Keep in mind, those transferring from the NCAA. If you are in your fourth year of eligibility, transferring back means you cannot participate in your fifth year of CIS eligibility.

Keep in mind, though, this isn’t supposed to be scary, but rather exciting. A whole new opportunity to experience a new city’s school and program, and being a part of not only the athletic culture, but also a who new school culture. A new set of fans cheering for you to succeed. As well, with new programs and new fans, there comes a whole different set of expectations, ones that given by the school itself, ones given up by what the coach will expect. Still, no matter which school you are transferring to, do note that the school is ready to welcome you with open arms and do anything to make the transition a smooth process. Out from one family straight into the arms of another. Fitting for a Canadian sport organization.

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