Sports Roundtable – Home of the home teams

Pretty Sweet-ing hit.

Pretty Sweet-ing hit. /image: Arthur Ward

Participants:  Taylor Socket, Brady Lang, Paige Kreutzwieser, Autumn McDowell

Which U of R team do you think is the dark horse to accomplish big things this year?

Sockett: Clearly the Carillon Sports Roundtable Answering Team, or as I have dubbed us: CSRAT. This rag tag group of misfits is poised to do great things this season. Sporting a nearly non-existent payroll – really, I’m not getting paid for this shit? Cough cough, this team is getting them most bang for their buck.

Lang: I think that the women’s hockey team will be a very good team in 2013-14. After a loss in the Canada West Semis last season the team should do great things this year.

Kreutzwieser: A new QB who is about to experience some of the most terrible playing conditions that would cause any Hawaiian to grab their ukulele and run – bar Chad Owens – sounds like a great application for the dark horse position. My choice is Rams.

McDowell: After losing a ridiculous amount of players to graduation, no one is expecting very much out of the Rams this year. And while they aren’t off to the best start, I think the Rams could shock everyone and make the playoffs. I saw the team walking down the hallway the other day – aka only Kolton Solomon – and he looked as cool as ever. We should be in good shape.

What kind of a role do you think Saskatchewan Roughriders receiver Geroy Simon will have down the stretch?

Sockett: Geroy brings that all-important x-factor to the Riders. Of course, I’m talking about great posing. Anyone can score a touchdown but to do it looking good truly shows what a great athlete he is. I’m a huge fan of Simon. Always have been. The biggest thing he brings to the Riders is old man strength, something the team has lacked since the retiring of Gene Makowsky.

Lang: Geroy should have a bigger role this season, but as long as he’s on the field the defence has to adjust because he’s such a major offensive weapon. The potential this offense has is scary.

Kreutzwieser: Look at the 26-yard one-handed Argo sandwich catch last week. That is all the proof I need. But, because I hate having to eat my words later I will note that three more games against his former team could tell a different story.

McDowell: I would hope to God he has a bigger role than he has right now. Currently, he has a quota of one, max two, catches a game. But when you have the most sure-handed receiver at your disposal, you better damn well make good use of him.

The Regina Pats dropped their first game of the season by a score of 7-2 to the Swift Current Broncos Friday night. Is this a sign of bad things to come?


Sockett: Yes, the Pats taking to the ice, period is the sign of a bad thing. That’s what happens when you have arguably the dumbest owner, in the history of people owning things.

Lang: I was unfortunately there for the game Friday and the Pats looked flat and they looked mismatched against the Broncos. I think we’re into another rough year for the Pats.

Kreutzwieser: Awh Pats, I just don’t know if this is your year, but there is something to be proud of! I’ve been keeping up with both you and MJ’s beloved Warriors. So although you’re clearly having issues between the pipes, we can all be happy I even knew to say that.

McDowell: Say it ain’t so. I was really hoping the Pats would get back to the playoffs this year. But with a question mark still in the crease, and questionable decisions such as reassigning former Subway Super Series member Trent Ouellette to Junior A, I have my doubts.

The Regina Thunder are currently the No. 1-ranked team in the country. Do you think the team will be national champions this season?


Sockett: Wow, sports editor McDeezy it’s a little early to be throwing that out there. Being just over halfway through the season there is still a lot of football left to be played, and anything can happen. It would be great to see the Thunder win it all but I have my doubts, there are a lot of really good Junior football teams across the country.

Lang: The team has the potential yet they will have to get by their rivals, the Saskatoon Hilltops, to become national champions. Anything can happen and as we know, football is unpredictable.

Kreutzwieser: They seem so adorable – they all (coaches and players) sound completely surprised with where the team is standing so far this season. And we can all agree adorable teams deserve championships, right? Never mind, winning teams are usually pretty cutthroat. Stop being so damn adorable Thunder.

McDowell: Well, anyone who’s anyone knows that these boys still have a lot of football left to play, and I’m not confident that they will be at the top in a couple of months. There are plenty of outstanding junior football teams in the country, including the Vancouver Island Raiders and Saskatoon Hilltops that have ample experience at the top of the standings. Maybe Regina will finally be ranked No. 1 at something other than crime rate.

The Canadian LFL season has been postponed to 2014. What do you think about this and do you really care?


Sockett: If women want to run around in their underwear and hit each other they should be able too. We live in a progressive society, who is the LFL to tell these young women that they can’t live their lifelong dream of playing football half naked? 

Lang: I’m sure former Rider – and Regina Rage Head Coach – and I are the two most disappointed people in Saskatchewan right now. It sucks! I watched two games last year and loved it! I went for the ladies and stayed for the football.

Kreutzwieser: I heard it’s because the girls were out of shape. So that’s unfortunate? But if you listen closely there is a silent snicker of girls around the country who secretly wanted to see this happen. I also heard Kalteen Bar sales went through the roof last month. You go Glen Coco!

McDowell: First of all, was everyone else aware that the Lingerie Football League changed its name to the Legends Football League? What have they remotely done to be able to call themselves legends? Oh, wait. How could I forget that playing from the 35-yard line is legend – wait for it – dary.


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