Stache Tracker


An update on The Carillon's Movember competition

Neil Adams
Ed Dodd
Dietrich Neu
Julia Dima's leg
Paul Bogdan

You can vote for your favourite stache by sending an email to or by stopping by the Carillon office in room 227 in Riddell. Votes cost $1, and all proceeds go to the Canadian Cancer Society. At time of press, Ed Dodd is in the lead.

One in seven Canadian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. It is the most common cancer among Canadian men. In 2012, roughly 26,500 Canadians will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. That works out to about 73 people diagnosed per day. 11 people die from prostate cancer every day in Canada.


1. Update us on the hairy situation. How’s it coming along?

Ed Dodd: I am starting to see it when I look down, and it honestly startles me.
Dietrich Neu: Ed and I decided that I have a better stache than he does. Considering that I’m actually beating someone in this competition, my “hairy situation” is already going better than expected.
Julia Dima: I feel like my leg hair has reached a happy point of hairiness, and I may never shave again.
Paul Bogdan: I’m happy with it–I mean, as happy as I can be looking somewhat disgusting.

2. This is about the halfway point. How do you feel going into the second half of the competition?

NA: There’s no question that I am going to win at this point. Now it’s just a matter of how uncomfortable and disfigured I become.
ED: Not as confident as before. The other competitors made major strides in the last week.
DN: I’m going to dismiss the rest of the staff and win by default.
JD: Dietrich and Paul might as well drop out. And Neil is “sick”, which means Edward is in the process of killing him. Which means my epic leg is next… I’m scared.
PB: Well, if I keep up my progress I might get fired, so if I keep this up, I might be able to do my homework.

3. Which animal best describes your mustache?

NA: A bicycle.
ED: I’m going to say, “mangey dog”.
DN: Porcupine.
JD: Vincent Van Gogh’s self-portraits. Those are animals, right?
PB: Any small, disgusting rodent that makes you physically repulsed by seeing it.


Nov. 15
Brie Neilson and David Simard
Creative City Centre
$10 at the door
Doors at 7:30

Nov. 16
Eliana Cuevas Quintet
Le Bistro
$20 Regina Jazz Society members/$25 non-members/$15 students
Show at 8

Nov. 18
The Tom Fun Orchestra
The Artful Dodger
$10 advance/$12 door
Doors at 7

Songwriter Sunday w/Belle Plaine, Nick Faye, and Tiny
Creative City Centre
$10 at the door
Doors at 7:30

Nov. 20
Julie Doiron
The Artful Dodger
$10 advance/$15 doors
Doors at 7

Nov. 22
Jeremy Fisher w/Peter Katz and Keifer McLean
The Artful Dodger
$10 advance
Doors at 7

The Club
$12 at the door
Doors at 7:15

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