URSU promoting campus clubs


Maybe you'll want to join the UR Karate Club?

Student Union focusing on more than academics

Martin Weaver

Campus clubs at the University of Regina may soon find themselves with increased enrolment numbers.
The University of Regina Students’ Union has been focusing on finding ways to promote clubs on campus and involve as many students as possible.

One of the ways URSU is looking at is through social media sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr. These sites offer help by featuring events, informing as many people as possible in this technological age. Another means URSU is exploring is using poster boards and TV screens to get the attention of passersby.

Matt Steen, vice president of operations and finance for URSU, said that students should join clubs because it provides an experience that they don’t find elsewhere.

“Extracurricular activities in clubs and societies allow social, scholastic, and professional development and we hope that students take advantage of the opportunities available to them.” Steen added that clubs represent students’ unique interests and is the best way for students to engage and be engaged in the community. He hoped that this new focus on clubs would increase participation at the university.

That’s welcome news for Kyle MacDonald of the U of R Debate Society. MacDonald said his club could really benefit from increased exposure.

“One of the hard things we struggle with is trying to get our word out there and trying to recruit people,” MacDonald said. He added that a higher number of people in the club would really help them at competitions against universities with more members.

But, for MacDonald, being a member of a club isn’t just about competitions. “I think it’s really important to get out there and experience the other side of university”.

Clubs like the U of R Debate Society get people out meeting others with common interests. It helps students make connections with all kinds of people from different faculties, something MacDonald really finds rewarding. He likes the idea of promoting clubs and giving students something other than just academics to think about during their university careers.

On campus, many students agreed that social media would be a good way to get people’s attention, but some offered their own ideas as to how the clubs can reach students.

Harmony, a second year geology student, said, “They should have workshops. Set up tables from different clubs in the hallway and tell people what they’re about.”

First-year engineering student Patricia said, “I like the idea of having [speakers on behalf of student clubs] go to classes, but they should put more tables in the hallway.”

Nathan, a second year geology student recommends posters, and big ones. “All you see is tiny ones that don’t get much attention.”
With an increase in promotion, URSU hopes that more students will be able to enjoy the benefits that a balanced university experience brings.

For additional information, visit ursu.ca and check under the clubs section. There, contact information, information on how to start a club, as well as different means of promoting the club are found.

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