URSU Execs comfortable in new roles


author: ethan williams | staff writer

URSU Update credit Brett Nielsen


URSU’s new executives transitioning well

While the majority of students are now on summer vacation, or have significantly reduced class schedules, the University of Regina Students Union [URSU] is hard at work with daily business.

The two newest executives, VP Finance Derrick Gagnon and VP External Affairs Harris Khan, are learning the ropes and getting to know their roles. URSU President Jermain McKenzie spoke about how the transition has been going.

“They’ve been transitioning well. They had the opportunity to work with the outgoing executive for their respective positions. These roles require you to hit the road running and they all have been doing great so far.”

McKenzie also noted some of the things the executives are working on.

“This is the time of year when we do most of our planning for the upcoming year. The new executives have also been tasked to come up with new ideas for programming and ways in which we can continue to improve our engagement with the student body.”

He also noted that there are plans for a retreat for the executives so that they can get to know each other and their roles better.

On top of this, the annual budget is a priority for the student council, especially with recent economic hardships for the university.

“We are committed to doing our best to assist as many students as possible given the current economic climate for students. So, we are looking closely at every budget line to see how we can shift resources to those areas that will give students the most direct benefits.”

These benefits, according to McKenzie, include the Student Care health and dental plans. Additionally, all regular university services will still be provided during the spring and summer. McKenzie says both new and returning executives are working on this.

“They have been working with clubs and students as they seek out our assistance.”

With Welcome Week being a large event in the fall, URSU has been looking toward this, and is also looking to hire a Welcome Week coordinator. McKenzie says that there is an executive that looks over this as well.

“We have yet to hire a Welcome Week coordinator, but the VP of External Affairs, Harris Khan, is the lead for the event and he has already been busy with plans.”

While it has been a hit in the past, McKenzie says he hopes there will be a change of focus in the event.

“We really want to make the event more inclusive and try to not have it centred around alcohol consumption.”

McKenzie hopes there can be something for all types of students to help them feel welcome and included in university life.

Overall, the executives will be working together to ensure these and other events run smoothly, and to ensure that students are well represented for the next year. This is something that McKenzie hopes can happen.

“Last year was fairly successful, but we still have a lot of work to do in order to get the majority of students to view URSU as truly important and worthwhile to their success.”

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